So I've been playing with and recording with my new amp. I've got two great options for recording amps now, in my opinion.
I've got the 68 custom Princeton reverb and now this gremlin Tone King.
I'm really digging the tone king.
I had been playing with it using the p90 Yamaha Revstar, and the other day I recorded something with my telecaster. The telecaster really shines through this amp. Really really good!
But one of the songs I was working on has open g, A minor and d. And some of those cords were going out of tune. I set The intonation but it was already pretty much dead on.
So when you have strings going out of tune at the first few threats it's usually because of the nut. And I was going to order some nut files but then I realized I think I put 10 gauge strings on it when I bought it. So I put nine gauge strings on it which is what they come with. Now it's perfectly in tune.
That's something that I never used to think about as a guitar player. How much affect the nut has
So I've ordered a fender reverb tremolo pedal, because this amp doesn't have anything at all. And even though I don't really like to record with effects, just adding a slight almost in perceivable touch of reverb gives it some space in a recording.
The Princeton reverb really kicks ass on its tremolo and reverb circuit. I mean that's just so gorgeous
I'm really excited to be able to have some time coming up to record some new songs.
The band is gearing up to start on new songs for January.
Travis has been working on the song order for our digital and LP album release. It really came down to him because he's the one who cares most about it. And he's got a break now from touring.
So what we're going to do, we think.... Is release all 14 songs on the vinyl LP. That would be just under 23 minutes per side and it works out that it will not cause any quality issues. Our vinyl guy says that it should be okay but he wants to hear them again first.
So the plan is to release the 14th song digital album on the first Friday of this January. And then follow that up with the vinyl LP that we can actually put for sale on our website and get some of this money back we've been spending on these releases. It's not like we spend a ton of money but it would be nice to get some of it back.
So far this year I think we got $36 from streaming. Lol. I don't know how many streams that is. On Spotify I think it's about 13,000.
Streaming really doesn't pay jack shit. It pays about .003 cents per stream.
I think we're going to do a run of 500 albums. And to break even we wouldn't have to sell too many of them. And then we could actually probably make a little bit of money if we sell them eventually. I think we can sell them.