Jundies. Always the fucking Jundies.

  • Slam goes to India.

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  • Slam goes to India.

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    lol @ the people saying "bring back Trump" because "he's strong"

    even those shit balls get it.

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    Fuck that. I'd never get on that fucking thing

  • the comments on that video are great. Lots of Indians saying this guy is showing the real India, while other Indians say he's purposely not showing the "nice" areas. Then saying the United States has areas just as bad. LOL!

    One guy says he knows this rich Arab guy that travels all over and he said India is the filthiest country he's ever been too. And Somali's coming on saying Somalia is way better than India.

    hahaha. A shit show in the comments. I spent a good 15 minutes reading them.

  • I've met Jundies that flew over for short term work, and they went on and on and on how Mumbai is a beautiful, clean, world class city that is just as good as the best US cities. BTW, one guy, I saved his life from electrocution lol but that's another story. Anyways, they just got off the plane and went on and on about this (how good Mumbai was and how for sure it blew away anything in America). I didn't entertain that nonsense, I just got down to business.

    Their tune changed once they spent a week in DFW (lol). It all started when one of them asked where a good place was for Indians to eat was. I sent them to a place that is renown for it's indian food (happened to be around the corner) - after eating there, they raved about how it was the most incredible, most succulent food they had ever eaten, blowing away anything they had ever experienced before. Then they got to see what kind of cars the average person drives, and got also to see the typical homes of people who work in their field live in lol. Those hapless fools were ready to kiss my feet if I could somehow get them a visa lol.

    LOL Mumbai:

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  • LOL the rich parts of Mumbai - yeah of course there's a rich part, but it's still shit. Go to the so called incredible beach, where there's "Grand hotels", and it's on par with the beaches of Liberia (utter filth and garbage). I don't care where you'd stay - the best hotels - the linens are all hand washed in the filthy slums in sewer water, and you'd get a medical encyclopedia of disease if you drank the water at the most swanky of hotels. You can dress up a loaf of shit all you want, but it's still a loaf of shit.

  • They even wash all the hospital linens in the slums by hand. No machines. At least with a real dryer, you will actually kill bacteria from the heat - not so if it's washed in a basin of road water with filthy shit covered hands in the streets. Imagine getting surgery, and recovering with those bed linens ? LOL. You might as well recover in a sewer with the shit logs floating by and the rats for company.

  • Yep - that's a thing - Jundies shitting at public beaches, and it's being done EVERYWHERE.

    I actually saw it done when I visited this summer, without realizing it.

    I went to a Provincial Park, and there was a gang of Jundies - like 10-12 at the beach (Torontonians aka New Calcutta). They had this tiny vertical tent set up - at the time, I dismissed as some portable changing room - you know, maybe for the women to change into and out of orange shower curtain outfits. I dismissed it as a curiosity.

    It did not enter my mind at all that they dig shallow holes in the sand, and take shits in it right there on the beach like it's fucking Liberia. I mean, how would any normal person even consider this ?

    That girl above who's been posting about this being a widespread problem (it is, I witnessed it myself unknowingly) - well she gets attacked a "a colonial racist that is ethnocentrically imposing her cultural hygiene values on minorities". Quite literally, sanitation is racist now - you can't just throw people into colonial porta potties or whatnot, they have to drop a tandoori right at the beach for others to enjoy.

    Repulsive people - dirty foul and repugnant on all levels.

    Trudeau and his "Liberal Party" let them in - they are already a majority (an ACTUAL MAJORITY) in Canada's largest city.

  • Don't you tards understand that you have capitalizm to thank for the influx of Jundies and Mexicans? Capitalizm demands unending growth. Capitalizm also ALWAYS results in population decline. Therefore, jundies AND Mexicans are the solution. Corporations demand it, and their bought and paid for politicians make it happen.

    I'm not making a value judgement here. I'm not saying that capitalizm or jundies or Mexicans are inherently good or bad. I'm just pointing out the obvious cause and effect. You tards should try to get your raging emotions under control and look at the situation logically.