YOu heard it here. Not enough weather modification is the cause. There you have it, from a source you can trust.
Guesticle is adorbs.
Damn you people argue alot! Gina is right about the fires. All you arm chair quartebacks that live in other areas of the country are off your rockers on this issue.
the tv said so...
the tv said so...
Dude their is a reason they call it the idiot box. Gina is just calling it as it is. She lives there. She knows. Please protect your mind Bronco and respect your friend.
That all being said, today is the dawn of a new, better path for America. I hope you are enjoying the festivities. This has been a long time coming.
Mitigation, it’s easy to say nothing could have been done when when you’ve done nothing to try and improve the situation beforehand. This has fuck all to do with Gina/Gina’s opinion. Gina is entitled to have an opinion just as I am entitled to my opinion.
Ohh and since you lurk without jumping truly into the fray. Take note I keep my comment fairly benign in that thread. I’m not the saying fuckem all. Because just like Asheville NC . They can’t be all leftist shitstains.
Fuck'm. Let God sort them.
I'm staying in Hickory tonight for the first time since the hurricane, all the rooms were either triple price or not available at all. I'm thinking the refugees have been cut off
Those poor people. Unlike the commifornians.
Ohh and since you lurk without jumping truly into the fray. Take note I keep my comment fairly benign in that thread. I’m not the saying fuckem all. Because just like Asheville NC . They can’t be all leftist shitstains.
Noted! I am sorry Bronk. I realized after I posted that I confused you with ELfo. I wanted to edit my post to correct it but of course I couldn't. I am dealing with a little brain fog on day 4 covid. Not an excuse but I am not as sharp as I usally am.
The good news is big change is finally coming. It has been a difficult 4 years to say the least. If my health was better at the moment I would be breaking out my best bottle.
Poor forestry practices and meat-headed ineptitude....plain and simple.
I also blame Rob Reiner...
It is Gina's fault the fires started cus she is smokin hot and causes sparks to fly.