we could end up with a Ukraine-type conflict with Mexican cartel drones

  • Can you imagine if this happens? We could gave absolute chaos on the border.

    Mexican drug cartels plan attacks on Border Patrol agents with kamikaze drones and other explosives to fight US crackdown
    Federal agents working the border are also advised to “carry proper equipment” at all times, including first-aid kids, tourniquets and body armor. The memo…

    Mexican drug cartels plan attacks on Border Patrol agents with kamikaze drones and other explosives to fight US crackdown

    Mexican drug cartels are ordering their members to attack US Border Patrol agents with kamikaze drones and other explosives in a desperate bid to thwart the crackdown at the border, according to an internal memo obtained by The Post.

    The alert, which cites social media posts and other sources, cautions federal agents “to remain cognizant of their surroundings at all times” in the face of the new threat.

    “On February 1, 2025, the El Paso Sector Intelligence and Operations Center (EPT-IOC) received information advising that Mexican cartel leaders have authorized the deployment of drones equipped with explosives to be used against US Border Patrol agents and US military personal currently working along the border with Mexico,” the internal memo titled “Officer Safety Alert” said.

    Federal agents working the border are also advised to “carry proper equipment” at all times, including first aid kids, tourniquets and body armor. The memo also notes that rifles “should be readily available.”

    News Nation, which first revealed the memo, also reported that posts on TikTok and other social media sites by the cartels have advised illegal migrants to “spit and urinate” in ICE agents’ food and defecate in their vehicles.

    Other posts have encouraged assassins to target agents

  • What one does not realize, once a organization is deemed a "Terrorist", The US can attack them where they are in Mexico with missles. That was the threat Trump used in his 1st term. Once he threatened that, the "Stay in Mexico" was gladly accepted by the Mexican Govt. Now all gloves are off.

  • If so, it is now a question of who shall control the southern border of the United States, right? Either the USA controls it or the cartels control it using drones as their weapon.

    It would basically be a declaration of war by a non-state actor IMO. I don't think we can afford to surrender to that sort of threat; it wouldn't end there if we surrendered.

    As KDF points out, the entire US military then takes to the playing field, with or without the assistance/co-operation of the (untrustworthy) Mexican government and army. I'm certain it would cause a rapid increase in anti-drone R&D and production.

    We have had reasonable success against the leadership of various Islamic groups that wish to harm the US. We haven't stopped them but the price the goat-fucking cavemen have paid is high.

    Would the cartel leaders, living lives of extreme luxury and wealth, be willing to risk THEIR OWN LIVES? Maybe or maybe not. A hellfire through the balcony door of your palatial bedroom is a bit different than one that wipes out your mud hut. The cartel leadership have a lot more to lose in terms of quality of life.

  • Oh, absolutely! I agree. It could be like the never ending war against Islamic terrorism.

    It also would be a devastating wake up call to the cartel leadership that think they are invulnerable. Maybe the Tom Clancy scenarios were prescient. At a big cartel party in a remote palatial cartel fortress, suddenly 18 2000 pound Jdams rain down from a B-52 with a CEP of 5 meters. Or maybe a 3 ship of B52s...only way to be sure, right?

    It would be ugly on both sides but we now have leadership that echoes Al Davis's "Just win, baby" slogan. I think the cartels would regret starting that war.

  • Oh, absolutely! I agree. It could be like the never ending war against Islamic terrorism.

    It also would be a devastating wake up call to the cartel leadership that think they are invulnerable. Maybe the Tom Clancy scenarios were prescient. At a big cartel party in a remote palatial cartel fortress, suddenly 18 2000 pound Jdams rain down from a B-52 with a CEP of 5 meters. Or maybe a 3 ship of B52s...only way to be sure, right?

    It would be ugly on both sides but we now have leadership that echoes Al Davis's "Just win, baby" slogan. I think the cartels would regret starting that war.

    only on our border. Big difference. I'm just saying - it would not take much to have a lot of bloodshed on our borders

  • What one does not realize, once a organization is deemed a "Terrorist", The US can attack them where they are in Mexico with missles. That was the threat Trump used in his 1st term. Once he threatened that, the "Stay in Mexico" was gladly accepted by the Mexican Govt. Now all gloves are off.

    This is possibly the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Where the fuck do people come up with these rules of engagement? The US military can attack ANYONE ANYWHERE at ANYTIME with impunity , regardless of some fucking meaningless designation, and the people we hit, and the governments who occupy the lands that we hit can choose to retaliate OR choose to help us clean their fucking house.

    Just. Fucking. Stop.

    All Government is Organized Crime.

  • Eat it. You obviously don't understand how the game is played. Your Arrogance has no place in this. They have been designated a Terrorist Organization. Finally. Now sit back and watch what happens. I give it a month.

  • only on our border. Big difference. I'm just saying - it would not take much to have a lot of bloodshed on our borders

    Wars have a way of growing. It might start on the borders but I doubt it would stay isolated there.

    See Ukraine/Kursk.

    Both sides would expand the theater of war in an attempt to win.

  • Posted this in the war thread too. I don't think the cartels are looking for a holy war.

    American military surveillance aircraft for the first time are operating freely over Mexican sovereignty territory hunting for Sinaloan cartel gang cells, clearly an agreement between Mexico and the US has been struck.

    — WarMonitor\uD83C\uDDFA\uD83C\uDDE6\uD83C\uDDEC\uD83C\uDDE7 (@WarMonitor3) February 3, 2025


  • That airplane is recording pretty much every electronic signal across a very wide band.

    In Nicaragua we pinpointed Sandinistas communicating on CB radios. We caught a bounce of Brezhnev talking on his car phone in Moscow while we were up over the top.

    The cartels better get their carrier pigeon system going. Otherwise it’s going to pretty easy to program the Jdams.

    The fact that that airplane is even there tells me something is in the works. Trump didn’t declare the cartels as terrorist as a fluke. I think it’s all part of a serious plan.

    I’m proud to say my ass warmed both of the front seats of 845 in the past.

  • only on our border. Big difference. I'm just saying - it would not take much to have a lot of bloodshed on our borders

    I wonder about the 10,000 troops that Mexican Matriarch has arranged "to help" at the border. I cant help but possibly expect a cheesy attempt at a trojan horse scenario.

  • Bold Move Dodgeball - Imgflip

  • just my opinion mind you...

    but the cartels using drone attacks would probably be the most STUPID thing they could do...

    IF they are wise their best course of action would be to CEASE DESIST and HIDE...

    any such an attack done by them at this point would only seal their terrorist title...

    the recent shooting across the boarder got answered this time... that should be a warning to them... things have changed...