lets see how fema handles this differently.

Random Pics
That's funny right there.
I saw that biden already showed up in California to see the fire situation. How long did it take him, or cackles, to show up in South Carolina? I wonder if fema is going with the same $750 in Cali that he authorized in SC.
Listening to the bleating of the current admin, I didn't hear anything about the $750 disaster payout this time. I did hear that the feds, meaning all of the rest of us. will pay 100% of the cost of fighting the fire and cleanup. Tell me, did TN and SC get that offer? I seem to recall that fema was OUT of money. How is it they now have lots of money to pay for the left coast mismanagement?
Congress passed and President Joe Biden signed into law on December 21 a bill to temporarily extend funding for the federal government and provide much needed assistance to communities and individuals impacted by recent disasters. The bill passed both chambers with bipartisan support, first in the House by a vote of 366-34 and then in the Senate with a final vote of 85-11.
The agreement extends funding for federal programs until March 14, 2025, averting a government shutdown. It also provides approximately $110 billion in disaster relief, including $29 billion for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Disaster Relief Fund and $12 billion for HUD’s Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program. FEMA is responsible for responding to the immediate needs of disaster survivors, including safe shelter and temporary housing, while CDBG-DR plays a crucial role in long-term disaster recovery, financing the construction and preservation of affordable housing and other infrastructure in disaster-impacted areas.
I'm curious if we took care of the people who had their shit burned down in the George Floyd riots
There has been video the other day that said the folks in fema funded housing in SC were being kicked out into the storm because funding ran out for temp housing. I haven't seen or heard of any change to that situation other than a 24 hour stay had been granted on the evictions. That news was also in the same video about the funding ending.
I believe they extended it. All the motels (that I USED to live in during the week) in/near Hickory are either unavailable or twice their normal rates, as the dotheads continue to gouge the fed
Time sweep the republic of leftists
Typical (D)
The file is still closed on that one...
I'm curious if we took care of the people who had their shit burned down in the George Floyd riots
You could apply for aid through the EIDL. FEMA doesn't clean up after riots. Individual cities passed recovery packages. Most people just filed an insurance claim and that's that.
According to the news last night, cbs, a whole bunch of folks in cali had their insurance drop them at the start of fire season.
That’s just crazy.
Gotta make way for the NEW LA.
has to be one of you guys
has to be one of you guys
ACTUAL air guitar.