Random Pics
Had to spend some time up near Chicago a couple weeks ago. Managed a visit to Cantigny Park in Wheaton. It was originally the estate of Colonel Robert McCormick, who was a WWI artilleryman and also owner/publisher of the Chicago Tribune at one time. The grounds have a few formal gardens, which were nice to walk around, and also has the First Division Museum. Outside the museum is a small tank park.
I was glad I got there early and got to take the pictures before the park got busy. Only one of the photos below has someone else's children in it. By the time I was done with the museum itself, the park was mobbed and some tanks had disappeared under mountains of children.
One disappointment for me on the outside was no Sherman tank. Ended up finding it on the inside.
I spent a good couple hours, but I read literally everything in the WWI and WWII sections. Oddly, though, the Sherman was the only thing I took a picture of. Guess I was lost in learning and forgot about the pictures.
Did have my daily proof of invisibility, though. While in the WWI section I was reading about one of the battles the First Division participated in when a tour of school-age kids came in. The very loud tour guide told them to line up against the back wall. Sure enough, the back wall was the wall I was reading, and suddenly all the kids were standing between me and the battle description I was reading. If they had been invisible, too, it wouldn't have bothered me.
Last set of pictures, like I said, they have some formal gardens as well. I guess because of that, they have reciprocal status with MOBOT, so my membership there got me free parking, which was nice. Unlike MOBOT, not much was labeled, so some of the more interesting looking flowers are still a mystery to me as to what the heck they were:
Nice pictures!
I might know that guy.
you look good, Sluggo.
Very nice! Guess which one is my favorite?
Ought to be a crime to lower classics.
Ought to be a crime to lower classics.
One good winter in Michigan and they'd be a rust bucket.
Very nice! Guess which one is my favorite?
The motorcycle?
No! V-twins suck! Bubble top Impala!
Same place.
The P40 mural on the wall is badass.
The P40 mural on the wall is badass.
I had to search all the pictures to find that. I hadn't noticed that before even when I was in there.