Posts by Razer
They just won’t learn.
They’re about to find out.
High speed train near an active fault line just sounds like THE stupidest idea I’ve ever heard.
Nothing wrong with I-5, it’s a nice ride most of the time.
I gave up lots of things, sugar was just one of many but it’s the worst thing you can put in your body. It binds to red blood cells and renders them inert for 90 days.
I switched to NA beer because I still need one when I fix Mexican beef or have grilled steaks with friends. Alcohol seems to be the hardest thing for people to give up. Aside from the carbs it’s akin to sipping poison.
Alcohol becomes poisonous in the body when it’s broken down into acetaldehyde, a known toxic carcinogen.
I work out twice a week, lift to fail, then cardio in between. Upper body one day, lower the next. I read Mark Mentzlers book and his claim that muscles need 7 days to recover seems legit. Have you seen the guy? Anyway, I’m trying it.
Cardio is done on an inclined treadmill at 10 degrees. I do 30 minutes at 3.3 MPH. HR hovers around 135 and I can still talk to my wife while I’m doing it. If you can’t carry on a conversation while walking you’re HR is too high, slow down.
I have other stuff I do weekly. Battle ropes, heavy jump ropes, heavy bag etc. the thing is DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING.
I haven’t felt this good in years.
Must be working.
That’s too bad.
Union influence do that?
Depends on what’s in it.
You know Waffle House ain’t using the best stuff.
I get 6 scrambled and a chicken breast grilled when we eat there.
Impeach the senile old fuck. Do it now.
Almost forgot. There’s less than 6 carbs in all that.
Cracker Barrel has a steak and egg breakfast offering. I get it and add 4 eggs when we are traveling. A double 1/4 pounder from Wendy’s (meat only) for a second meal and you’ve got your daily intake of 1600 calories (if you need to lose).
Eat two doubles and you’re good for building.
What’s not listed is some of the fats I consume. Butter is my go to. Wife also makes me a treat with heavy cream and cocoa powder to get my fat intake. Too much fat, can’t trust a fart. Not enough fat, you’ll need to dig the turds out. Everyone is different.
Meat, eggs, salt, butter.
I also drink electrolytes every other day. I add a pack of Dr Bergs to my water can.
It can be done on the road.
I see.
I didn’t realize there was a Turkish bath house at Maralago but now it just makes sense.
Fuck you treasonous pricks.
That’s the first ingredient in a real Cuban sandwich.