Well, DUH!
Of COURSE its $40 off.....it's PINK FFS!
Well, DUH!
Of COURSE its $40 off.....it's PINK FFS!
True. Water is useless when fighting fires.
…and fires on a hill. Faggedabowdit.
Nothing can be done.
Leave all the fire trucks in the station. Or the repair shop.
Inshallah, ya know?
Not in the least surprising.
Personally, I don’t think Putin will ever give up Crimea, his 2014 steal the the Obamessia did not oppose.
The rest will be a wrangle. He must get Kursk back so that’s when real negotiations start.
Probably true but I suspect he would be better off focusing on unfucking the Defense Department instead of getting involved in politics.
I doubt he’s freelancing. He’s probably been given an outline or script.
Does anyone really think that our adversaries don’t know the exact war fighting capabilities of our military?
They have penetrated any and every computer database they choose to examine. They steal the plans for our weapons. They buy or honey trap our politicians (Fang Fang anyone?)
Nothing Hegseth says is news to them.
There’s no fixing Kali.
Nothing can be done as you know.
Mitigation is impossible.
The south of the border illegals vamoose SD when it gets cold.
The SA legal workers don’t.
…The key military lesson of the Ukraine War has been that low-cost killer and surveillance drones, if available in adequate numbers, can make it impossible to mass armor and infantry for a traditional offensive. Tanks have virtually disappeared from the front lines on both sides. The Russians have been reduced to bringing up troops in tiny packets, because larger concentrations are immediately spotted and decimated. The same factor would apply to any war between Russia and the West, and we can be sure from the way it has changed its tactics that the Russian high command realizes this perfectly well...
I’ve had the flu shot 3 times in my life. Two mandated by the USAF, one by my employer.
Those 3 years are the only time I’ve ever had the flu.
So, no.
I know that importing South African ranch/farm workers is a thing in SD. I’ve met several up there. My friends say they are very hard workers and tough. The program is very controlled, an individual can only stay for a certain amount of time and then has to go back to SA for a specified period of time.
Lots of government paperwork and tracking involved.
They can’t get Yankee Doodles that will do the work, so it’s a pretty important program for them.
The point was probably that some very well connected people made extremely large amounts of money.
The Wall Street Journal reports that US intelligence agencies have concluded that Israel is 'considering significant strikes on Iranian nuclear sites this year'
The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) February 12, 2025
Ummmm, yah! Does anyone think Trump and Netanyahu were just chatting about their golf handicaps?
That is pretty much the gist of the article. As far as airports go I would imagine that the NIMBY folks living nearby or adjacent would render any improvements a moot proposition.
Well, ok They can just walk the route then.
They want a bullet train? Let them pay for it.
People in flyover country have no interest in a bullet train on that route when airliners do it faster, cheaper, more frequently and better.
If they want a better use for their money, use the money for more/better airports around both cities. There are likely some under used airports and runways that could use an upgrade and become popular destinations.
I like what I've seen so far out of Trump's negotiating style. His Greenland Gambit got Denmark to >promise< to increase Greenland defenses and got the Greenland Prime Minister into the conversation.
He got a ceasefire going in Gaza, even though anything in Gaza is written in the wind. Nonetheless, unlike Joey Bananas, he got some movement.
Now with the Ukes and the Orcs, he can slap them both around. The Ukes have GOT to have US money to continue to fight. The Orcs really don't want a Trump MAX SANCTION campaign against them with their economy and ruble in rubble. So maybe he can get them both to the table and get something done. Maybe not. Nonetheless, unlike Joey Bananas, he might get some movement.
So give 'em a nuke. Or there's suggestions for emplacing a non-NATO peacekeeping force (not UN either). There has to be a mutually disagreeable solution, lol.
Me? I'd support the Give a Uke a Nuke plan. They had them before. They are pissed enough at the Russians that if the Russians re-started the war it'd be so long Moscow.
The least optimal outcome for the Ukes is that this Special Military Operation (of 3 days) goes on for another 3 YEARS, bleeding them dry and destroying an entire generation of Uke men.
It is past time for it to be over. Too bad Uke gave up its nukes or this might have a significantly different ending.
Like they used to say about negotiations and deals, a good deal in this instance is probably where both sides think they got screwed.
Le Rasoir National. PPV.