There's no question in my mind... No question at all.
There's your problem.
Enjoy your little bubble. Notice how it only gets smaller and smaller.
There's no question in my mind... No question at all.
There's your problem.
Enjoy your little bubble. Notice how it only gets smaller and smaller.
A real hearing... Like the January 6th hearings, right? Yeah, spreading shit like that is irresponsible, as Alex Jones is finding out at some considerable expense.
Don't you have a flat earth society meeting to go to...
Now you're just trying to make it personal. Conspiracy nutjobs always do that when their bullshit is exposed.
Those vaccines did achieve immunization. The word vaccine has never been synonymous with immunization. That's why we have separate words for "vaccinated" and "immunized."
Gina, do you see what spreading shit like that has done to poor old Soth here...
Vaccination has never been synonymous with immunization. Vaccination against flu began in the 1930s, and it has never achieved immunization against the flu virus.
Where is that from? You're still only posting memes.
I'm not seeing evidence that Pfizer pulled testing on animals because it was killing animals.
Perhaps do that research before spreading something like that. Just a friendly suggestion.
Just like the people who took an experimental “vaccine”. The one they had to change the definition of vaccine for.
No one has changed the definition of vaccines.
Just stop this nonsense.
He trolled his twatter followers to make a point. That does not science make. The people who fell for it are as uncritically irresponsible in their consumption of information as those who believe and spread the mind virus in the original post of this thread.
I wish you people wouldn't dabble in conspiracy nutjobbery like this. It's not healthy, and it makes for bad optics.
Do you think the Pfizer corporation is run by leftists?
"What I've read..."
Win95 is the best.
The Swedish galleon "Götheborg" visits London. I wonder if the Brits returned fire...
Aerial refueling... Some are better than others. Same with tanker boom operators.