it does show up a lot of other gasses just like any volcano. water vapor is not the main one.
Posts by semperac
pictures didn't show water vapor. perhaps new pictures.
I used to spend money on hookers then I married one.
"The earth is screaming!" Says Washington State Governor.
*Article shows picture of THE FUCKING DESERT in Arizona.*
isn't Arizona part of earth? or you talking about Arizona pluto.
My wife got vaccinated and I didn't, she gave me covid.
how do you know it wasn't one of the other ho you have?
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there were 1100 generals during ww2.
wow hunter went to prostitutes that give receipt. lol
At least he's not Trump!
you are correct
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wife needs some training
guess when all the baby boomers are dead
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He wants to shower with her like he did his own daughter.
God knows what else he's done a little kids.
sure and trump never said his daughter had nice ties and ass and he would date her.
LOL! If you have to ask...
she/it (shit) has to have a sign on the desk so people will feel guilted into calling him "she"
If you have to ask people to call you a woman, then maybe it's not really working out. Literally would want to die if that was the case with me, but fuck if I'd try to force people to call me something that they and everybody else knows I'm not.
but this person could probably pass if he had a realistic and age appropriate wig and got rid of those eyebrows. He'd just be an ugly fat chick
Don't know what the voice sounds like though.
But this is what's walking into the women's bathroom? Fuck. I'd kill myself before I forced some shit like this on other people.
bad photoshop
crap and I thought the thread was about me
I got vaccinated while in the marines. wish I had talked to you before.
think it was blueberry don't remember his real ID who wrote some of the codes
that's according to legend and him acknowledge it on the bb.
damn they all had blue eyes, one blew here the other there
so did they get to see the titanic?
sorry busy rest of afternoon. going hiking.
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