Posts by SWTarget

    The Mrs. once was so bored she couldn't decide whether she was bored senseless or bored out of her skull.

    So she said she was "bored skulless."

    Which oddly made sense . . . so bored my brain collapsed into a black hole and swallowed the skull.

    I used it for years afterwards until she finally found out where it actually hurt when she hit me.

    One I'm not sure I believe, a man calling into a radio show said his wife was so upset with the next door neighbor she wasn't sure whether to kick his ass or merely give him a piece of her mind.

    So she said "I'm going to go over there and give him a piece of my ass!"

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    The weather started getting rough

    The tiny ship was tossed.

    If not for the courage of the fearless crew

    The Minnow would be lost

    The Minnow would be lost . . .

    So, are the after him because there's something there, or because he was critical of current policy? Both?

    Not sure where else this might belong.

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    I do find it interesting that a "D" would make a claim that he "knew he'd be targeted." Seems an admission that their own ranks know the deep state is corrupt -- but on the other hand, of course someone corrupt would make the accusation as a form of defense whether or not they have the goods on him.

    Might be an interesting thing to watch play out and see what it exposes, whether corrupt accuser, corrupt accused, neither or both.

    I'm not sure of the details of this case or of the gun laws in that state, but my first instinct is to really not dig the idea that they go after the kid's dad. He faces something like 200 years in prison. Because he gave his son the gun.

    I don't know about that. I would have to read a lot more about the situation, the laws in the state and all that.

    But this is a new tactic they're going to be doing. They're going to be going after the parents every time this shit happens. And that is potentially a big pile of bullshit.

    They got their first conviction earlier this year.

    Jennifer and James Crumbley and the Trend of Legal Consequences for Parents
    Experts warn about a wave of legal consequences for parents like the Crumbleys, while some states consider prosecutions for kids as young as 10.

    "In separate trials earlier this year, Jennifer and James Crumbley became the first parents in U.S. history to be convicted of involuntary manslaughter for a mass shooting committed by their child."

    I don't like the concept of charging a parent for their child's actions, unless it can be proven they incited it in some way ("boy, you ought to off them bullies"). The world is so messed up that even if the parents do everything right, their kids can end up very bad people. IMHO it should be a very high burden of proof on stuff like this.

    Nobody can read minds but it only takes empathy and common sense to understand what your wife needs from the relationship. And if you don't understand that there's a big ass problem.

    That should have been figured out before the two get married. If you're still trying to figure that out after, then at least one of the two never stopped putting on an act.

    Chinese economy is has been tanking.

    It's this. They need to keep up appearance of growth, so even though their internal consumption has slowed, they are incapable of dialing back supply, so they just dump everything they can in the export markets.

    The Chinese philosophy of economics seems no more sophisticated than continue to add capacity and then sell out that capacity regardless of how low it drives the price. In areas my current employer plays in, the markets already have excess capacity and yet Chinese competitors seem to add an additional manufacturing plant about every three years. And not small ones, either.

    To a small degree the western governments have been trying to keep domestic producers afloat through anti-dumping tariffs and such, but at best it's only slowing the decline of the west's manufacturing base. 60% tariff? No problem, says the Chinese gov, we'll either find a way to circumvent or just keep lowering the price until we're back at parity anyway.

    Google Maps directed me to take that road last March when I did my airplane flight (re-posting pic because I can). I never saw the tree but saw several signs saying it was a high accident road for motorcycles.

    On the trip in, I hit the road at night, during a rainstorm, in my lovely 2000 Buick Park Avenue with the fairly dim/yellowed headlights. The road is dark enough to begin with winding around the mountains, then with the rain I might as well have been driving in a tunnel. A very dark, very very winding tunnel.

    On the way back home, in the daylight, I could see better how some people would see it as a fun road to drive on, but those turns are no joke. If you aren't paying attention to your speed -- well, the tree is there for a reason.

    That's what I've been saying. They could be in Moscow in hours.

    No, they can't, as demonstrated by the fact that they crossed the border, what, a week ago? And have penetrated about 30km. If they could sustain that pace, they wouldn't reach Moscow until December. But that can't sustain that pace, because weather + logistics + resistance + no longer a surprise. Heck, they haven't even reached major urban area yet (Kursk itself).

    It's fantastic public relations, but militarily it's not actually that dangerous to Russia in the grand scheme. Anyone picturing Ukrainian tanks reaching Moscow is just not looking at reality.

    While this offensive is certainly great for public relations / boosting morale / sticking a finger in Putin's eye, there's a small, inescapable fact:

    Breach: 63.6 km

    Depth: up to 28.0 km

    \uD83C\uDDFA\uD83C\uDDE6 control: 611 sq km

    Gray area: 337 sq km

    Total area: 948 sq km

    For comparison, I give you Madison County, IL:

    "According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of 741 square miles (1,920 km2), of which 716 square miles (1,850 km2) is land and 25 square miles (65 km2) (3.4%) is water."
    Map of Illinois highlighting Madison County

    I guess congrats to the Ukes for capturing the equivalent of half of an insignificant Midwestern county, but it doesn't change the fact the whole war there is still about as static as the west front in WWI. From a purely military perspective, this is fairly meaningless (so far).

    How funny - your "founding fathers" fougt for freedom of concsiousness, religion, all shit, and now you support banning a 1000 years old Church in ex-Ukrainian SSR.

    You live in a country that outlaws non-orthodox religions, illegally confiscates their property, and even now has in their prisons over 120 men and women whose only crimes are practicing their faith. You have zero standing to lecture anyone on religious freedom.

    I'm not your pal, buddy.

    I do not “pal” with any glorified asswipe. Go pound sand.

    Someone missed a reference.

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    Do leopards change their spots.

    Leopards don't change, but people can and do.

    She said she joined the Democrat party when she was 21. I'm certainly not the same person I was when I was 21.

    Who you associate with can make a big difference in your outlook. Given her former associates now shun her to a great extent, I doubt the change is insincere or an act. The more she associates with the "other side", the more her "new" views will only be reinforced. (Can she be influenced in a different direction in the future is perhaps another matter.)

    Take one Soros backed prosecutor who was basically charged with malfeasance in one state. They let murderers walk. They let violent criminals out of jail early. And finally they were removed from office. They weren't disbarred. They weren't charged with conspiracy crimes. They were shown the door, and nothing more.

    She just went to ground and amazingly, nobody knows where she is . . .

    MO Auditor wants the public's help finding former St. Louis Circuit Attorney
    Kim Gardner resigned under pressure in May 2023.

    "Fitzpatrick is now actively encouraging the public to submit information to help confirm Gardner’s whereabouts via his office’s whistleblower hotline."

    First we'll need a visual aid: antarctica-elevation.png">

    As you can see in the pic, most of the land mass of West Antarctica is below sea level. Also a good chunk of East Antarctica. The area below sea level is a few times the size of Texass. Now most of West Antarctica, if you're actually there, is over a mile high in elevation. So we're talking about over a mile of ice covering an area maybe the size of the desert southwest. In East Antarctica it's closer to two miles thick.

    I don't recall ever hearing that much of the Antarctic land mass was below sea level. Makes one wonder why they define the boundaries where they do, but I guess solid ice is not ocean, so OK.

    Did they ever mention to you whether they expect all that land to rebound above sea level once the weight of the ice is gone? (I think that's called Isostatic Rebound?)