Today's MOBOT adventures:

A small rabbit! No one around. Click the picture. He doesn't move. Maybe if I am quiet and creep forward slowly, I can get a better picture . . .my daughter loves bunnies, this would be very cool to share . . . slowly creeping forward, phone/camera out in front of me . . .
"YEAH, AND THEN HE POSTED THE STUPID THING ON FACEBOOK . . . " Mr. and Mrs. FatMouth come striding from behind, push right past my invisible self and in front of my shot, and naturally the rabbit shoots off directly away down the path, just as another couple approaches from around that corner . . . the terrified rabbit shoots into the bushes with enough force the approaching couple stop short at the noise. Mr. and Mrs. FatMouth haven't broken stride and walk past Mr. And Mrs. Startled. "I JUST DON'T GET WHY PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT STUFF GETS SEEN."
Maybe because all their friends are completely oblivious like you??
Mr. and Mrs. Startled apparently haven't seen me either. One says to the other as they walk by me, "I wonder what that was?"
"Well, it was a rabbit" is the reply they hear from nowhere.
But, just a bit later, I did find my Fifteen Minutes of Peace:

Nice bench under a tree, along a stone path, with a small stone bridge nearby, and the running of water over the small falls nicely drowning out the traffic noise that normally accompanies the walks. Would have spent longer, but I noticed an older couple pass a bench that would have been visible just outside of the frame that a younger couple was sitting on. They were on the path coming my way, and they were stopping to look at the flowers on the right side of the picture (the path being to the right of them). After invisibility moment earlier in the day, I felt oddly bold . . . so I stood up, and told them to please take the bench and look that way. I promised they would love it. They protested that I didn't need to get up, but I said I insisted, and walked way down the path. A few moments after I looked back, and sure enough, they were sitting on the bench, looking at the scene I had just left.
Not only did I get to have my Fifteen Minutes of Peace, I was able to share it with someone else. Yes, a very good day after all.