Posts by SWTarget

    Been a month or so since I've been able to get out to MOBOT for a walk. I hit it at a good time (for me) . . . Irises and Peonies were done, Daylillies (always a big draw) have not really started, so the place was actually very quiet with few people around compared to the last two or three times I went. Got to sit at the peaceful bench . . . scene may look familiar, but it is a bit greener this time.

    It was warm in the sun, but perfect in the shade, with a light breeze. Didn't come out in any of the images, but there were birds skimming the water, soaring back in the air, then diving down again . . . I guess getting some kind of water bug for lunch. At one point I had an involuntary thought that the VH needed to come up so we could roll ostis and stop the vulchers . . .

    This guy came to visit, too . . .

    Easy 15 minutes of peace today. Even the idiot in the helicopter didn't come circling until I was already heading out.

    So Feli is a lying German cunt? Who knew...

    She says $6 for a pack of strawberries? Maybe in the dead of winter for some organic crap at trader joes that was air-freighted from Australia.

    The fast food comment makes zero sense, unless you are comparing your one quarter pounder meal price to the price of picking up an 8 pack of buns and a two pounds of meat (which granted is getting more expensive by the day).

    It does not come down to "change." "Just choose to change" is easy to say for the person outside looking in. Not everyone has a choice in the matter of what demons are haunting them, and once haunted, not everyone can discern the options they may (or may not) have.

    You are entitled to your opinion. It's a narrow and self-righteous opinion, but your entitled to it. I just hope you never have to experience how wrong you are.

    Today's MOBOT adventures:

    A small rabbit! No one around. Click the picture. He doesn't move. Maybe if I am quiet and creep forward slowly, I can get a better picture . . .my daughter loves bunnies, this would be very cool to share . . . slowly creeping forward, phone/camera out in front of me . . .

    "YEAH, AND THEN HE POSTED THE STUPID THING ON FACEBOOK . . . " Mr. and Mrs. FatMouth come striding from behind, push right past my invisible self and in front of my shot, and naturally the rabbit shoots off directly away down the path, just as another couple approaches from around that corner . . . the terrified rabbit shoots into the bushes with enough force the approaching couple stop short at the noise. Mr. and Mrs. FatMouth haven't broken stride and walk past Mr. And Mrs. Startled. "I JUST DON'T GET WHY PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT STUFF GETS SEEN."

    Maybe because all their friends are completely oblivious like you??

    Mr. and Mrs. Startled apparently haven't seen me either. One says to the other as they walk by me, "I wonder what that was?"

    "Well, it was a rabbit" is the reply they hear from nowhere.

    But, just a bit later, I did find my Fifteen Minutes of Peace:

    Nice bench under a tree, along a stone path, with a small stone bridge nearby, and the running of water over the small falls nicely drowning out the traffic noise that normally accompanies the walks. Would have spent longer, but I noticed an older couple pass a bench that would have been visible just outside of the frame that a younger couple was sitting on. They were on the path coming my way, and they were stopping to look at the flowers on the right side of the picture (the path being to the right of them). After invisibility moment earlier in the day, I felt oddly bold . . . so I stood up, and told them to please take the bench and look that way. I promised they would love it. They protested that I didn't need to get up, but I said I insisted, and walked way down the path. A few moments after I looked back, and sure enough, they were sitting on the bench, looking at the scene I had just left.

    Not only did I get to have my Fifteen Minutes of Peace, I was able to share it with someone else. Yes, a very good day after all.

    Little different vibe this week. Yesterday was supposed to be rainy all day, so instead of a Saturday morning stroll, it was a Sunday afternoon hike. Maybe my mood was influenced by the fact that I knew the Buttercups would be all gone. Maybe I was just that irritable that just about every bench was already camped out by somebody . . . and I mean camped. I saw while on the other side of the lake that the peaceful bench had three occupants. By the time I got there 15 minutes later, they were unpacking a lunch for themselves . . . sigh. Tried hanging out by the mausoleum . . . nope, between a dude riding either a Suzuki or a chainsaw, and a helicopter that kept circling, there was just no peace to be had there today, either.

    Did find an open spot on the other edge of the bench near the pebble beach . . . thought maybe there would be peace, but there were these two:

    No, no, no, not the geese. Across the lake the two standing just above the rightmost red bush.

    I tell you, that woman's voice CARRIED!!

    "Stand over here. NO, HERE. No there! Look up! Not like that! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE LIKE THAT? Stop smirking! Smile! I SAID SMILE! Now you just look like a dork! Stop it! No, turn that way! Now look over there! I DIDN'T SAY TURN! I SAID LOOK! Stop slouching! No no no, don't stick your chest out you idiot!"

    Gah, where's the guy riding the chainsaw when you need him?

    At least the azaleas were blooming:

    Sadness! ;(

    That odd time between when the early blooming stuff is basically all dead and being ripped out, and the later-blooming stuff just isn't quite up to par yet. The Victorian Garden was all tulip blooms just last week. Alas . . .

    Pretty good. I like these shorts...

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    Ward, actress Gaia Weiss, was also in the series "Vikings."

    Not sure why they all think she needs a scar to her face.

    Vikings: Where is Thorunn? Show creator Michael Hirst on why she never  returned | TV & Radio | Showbiz & TV |

    OK, most likely last poke at you guys about my favorite Persian buttercups. Most are past their prime, but even while they are dying (ironic considering where I found my peace today), I find them interesting as they start to look almost like something else entirely. First picture is I think of the same flowers that I posted back on page 17. Notice how the petals are now pointed the flower looks spiky when compared to the fresher, rounder blooms behind.

    Here is a different group from a different part of the park. Spiky or round, may or may not show it's center, just an interesting flower to me overall.

    Not everything was dying in the garden, of course. The Tulips were still doing quite well. The white ones are called . . . you never would have guessed . . . fringed tulips!

    Yes, back at MOBOT today. Last few weekends it was cool and I had the flannel jacket on. Today was well over 80 degrees and I was wondering why the heck I hadn't worn shorts. Also very crowded with the good weather . . . no lakeshot today as I could not find an open bench nearby. The peaceful bench from the previous two weekends had an occupant. On the plus side, apparently she could see me!! Unusual day when I am actually visible. Downside was, when she did see me, she gave me the stinkiest of stinkeyes I think I have encountered in ages. Considered briefly whether to sit on the edge of the bench anyway, then decided my life might be in danger, so I moved on. Finally found an open bench in the "Mausoleum Garden" section, so was able to have my Fifteen Minutes of Peace somewhere . . . with the dead . . . go figure.

    So some of you mostly derive contentment from what you do productively.

    Does anyone find contentment in the handiwork of other's creation?

    Isaiah 40:26: “Lift up your eyes to heaven and see. Who has created these things?

    It is the One who brings out their army by number; He calls them all by name.
    Because of his vast dynamic energy and his awe-inspiring power, Not one of them is missing."

    1 Tim 6:6-8: "To be sure, there is great gain in godly devotion along with contentment. For we have brought nothing into the world, and neither can we carry anything out. So, having food and clothing, we will be content with these things."

    Matthew 6:25-33: “On this account I say to you: Stop being anxious about your lives as to what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your bodies as to what you will wear. Does not life mean more than food and the body than clothing? Observe intently the birds of heaven; they do not sow seed or reap or gather into storehouses, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth more than they are? Who of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his life span?

    "Also, why are you anxious about clothing? Take a lesson from the lilies of the field, how they grow; they do not toil, nor do they spin; but I tell you that not even Solʹo·mon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these. Now if this is how God clothes the vegetation of the field that is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much rather clothe you, you with little faith?

    "So never be anxious and say, ‘What are we to eat?’ or, ‘What are we to drink?’ or, ‘What are we to wear?’ For all these are the things the nations are eagerly pursuing. Your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.

    “Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. So never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. Each day has enough of its own troubles."

    Are you looking for companionship? Do you have a tractor? If so please post a photo of the tractor.

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