Posts by ASTAC

    Atmospheric Ducting. We experienced the same effect with Radar and radio transmissions in the Navy. I once talked to Rota Spain on a UHF frequency for Mayport,Fl Tug Control. Sometimes our surface search radar with a normal range of 50 miles could pick stuff up out to 90 miles. Both the radio freq and the radar were considered Line of sight.

    Florida is the biggest scam. There is not a single good thing about the place, yet damn Yankees seem to flock there ( making it even worse). Most of the state is a wretched swamp with temps in the high 90's,100% humidity, and meth labs run by inbred jed and his sister/mom/wife. The other 10% that you see in pictures only millionaires/billionaires can afford to live in.

    Why the fuck do people go to Florida to vacation? There are zero redeeming qualities in that place.