Posts by definitely-not-indy

    Texas has Republican donating business groups that have been chasing the bullet train for a decade. Cali isn't paying any reparations, wasn't a slave state (unless they're paying the Chinese), can't pay their own bills, and their gov repeatedly rejects raising taxes on their 1%. If I need crack of an open air homeless encampment, then Houston, Austin, Dallas, LA, San Fran, San Diego, they're all good choices for that.

    You don't get local rule in Texas either if the state doesn't agree. Yesterday the State just passed the deathstar, specially to overrule local governments and continually work to consolidate power away from locals and into the state itself.

    It makes the flyover states like Kansas & Missouri look increasingly moderate & attractive, despite also having their own bevy of wacky laws.

    Yeah, but after the burger for lunch lol. It's a social gathering. It's not quite competitive here though with the mega churches. Those have bowling alleys, movie theaters, etc. Big money in Jesus.

    Meat was a luxury in late winter Judea (Lent). It's symbolically giving it up. So you eat fish or veggies.

    I don't know any Catholics that actually do that. The fish fry mostly a recruiting drive/member get together to bring in new people to replenish parish coffers and maintain fellowship.

    Texas has 196 partially dry counties and 5 completely dry counties. The Texas nanny state.

    That's the bible thumper country part. In the purple burbs of counties and in the blue cities, there's a brewery on every corner, distilleries, cocktails to go, etc. The state repubs are corrupt and paid by AB Inbev via Silver Eagle Distribution to make sure the craft breweries can't be too successful though. You can buy beer on Sunday now too. Just not before noon, because Jesus.

    Aren't Castor beans the ones that have to be boiled because they're incredibly poisonous ?

    yes, and people are frequently allergic to the oil and it's known for it's explosive bowel cleansing effect.

    sometimes I'm glad my generation isn't as tough as the one that came before it. They really made y'all eat that shit?

    I'm still really butt hurt. I was doing contract work for a drone company drawing wing parts a decade ago. I brought up a sketch for a suicide quadrotor built to accept an RPG-7 munition, suggesting it would be ideal for all these shitty warzones drenched in Soviet weapons. They declined, no weapon systems. Stupid hippies, we'd all be sitting on several hundred million by now just from the Ukraine sales.

    I'm assuming all manners of alligators are common there (Flamingo). I can deal with the other shit, but I don't like the idea of sleeping in their habitat. I don't play well with Grizzlies or Alligators.

    Snakes. Giant fucking snakes. 80s Florida Man's pet of choice was boa constrictors and pythons kept in small fish tanks, then abandoned in the swamp. They took over and ate the alligators. At some point anacondas were also introduced and proliferated.

    Bustelo. It's like 4 to 1. 4 oz coffee to 1 oz espresso in total caffeine. French press coffee goes the other way, larger grounds, slightly lower average per oz vs drip, pre-ground, etc. Lately it's been 12 to 16oz mornings. Busy busy, but it's a hell of a lot less sugar than what I drank growing up in FL.. coca cola for breakfast.

    But I don't understand is that with the resources Russia supposedly has, how come they can't control the air over Ukraine?

    They must have shitty everything. Lol

    They don't have the resources. Russia has less than 30 tankers, compared to almost 500 operated by the US. The air bases are trash, understaffed, undertrained, under equipped. There's more forklifts at the local Amazon distro center than in the Russian airforce. They can't get bombers off the ground without the entire planet knowing hours in advance.

    Pfft. Cuban coffee is just Arabica and Robusta beans with brown sugar in a moka pot. It's not some magical blast of extra caffeine.

    Yesterday it started off in the high 80s and hit 98 at the kids swim meet. I turned up with 32 ounces of locally roasted, french pressed coffee with a light amount of sugar and scalded half & half (because it's richer than the scalded milk in cafe con leche). Delicious. Had 5 small cups before 10, couldn't find my tumbler.