Things people do that annoy you.

  • I'm in my car after grocery shopping at the grocery market bargain outlet.

    In California, or at least where I live, they charge $0.10 or something a bag so they always ask if you want bags with your groceries. I always tell them yes. As many bags that I need for everything.

    In every fucking time they leave something out of the bag. Like my eggs or potato chips or some shit like that.

    And I always have to tell them can I put this in a bag too? Or else I just don't even say anything.

    The point of the bags is so I can take all my groceries inside pretty much all at once. It's raining out and I don't want to make a special trip back to my car to grab one or two oddball things they leave out of the bags.

    Oh, when I was checking out the fucking cashier. She was on the side like stocking some stuff. She said I'll be right with you and I'm the first in the line there. And then suddenly there's a woman in front of me that she's grabbing just to sell ice to. Like she didn't ask me or anything she just fucking started bringing her up for her ice. Then of course the old bat couldn't use her fucking debit card so it took 5 minutes to get her out of the fucking line for just the ice. The cashier had to run the card after the old lady tried doing it several different times. Shit like that fucking irritates me.

    But in the big picture, I really don't get that pissed at things. I remain calm and just remember that life is short. Have patience and stuff like that. I think it's more that I like bitching about it later. Lol!

    And check this candy bar out. How do they grass-feed the milk? Pretty cool!