
  • So , I just got the Shure SM81- and I need to exchange it. I really like the sound of this on my acoustic.

    I have an AKG C414 XLS - and it sounds great on vocals and also on my guitars.

    I'm looking to get a Neumann U 87 - which are almost $3800.00. I've been listening to "shootout" videos with this mic against all kinds of other mics, including the UA Sphere modeling mics. It's hard to tell the difference between some of them, but when I really focus on each band (mids, lows, and especially highs) I can always tell the difference.

    The U 87 has a very smooth top end. Not harsh or sibilant. the mods are very good. The other mics that are very close seem to not get the mids at the same clarity. It's very subtle though, but I can tell. Some of these mics are less than half the price - but I know me. I want the best one. You can always sell it later for the same price probably.

    I messaged my friend Todd top ask him is the U87 is worth it. I knew he would have had one, because he always gets the best gear. he said he uses a Manley Gold now, but that he really liked the U 87. He said to get it.

    Holy fuck - look at this Manley Gold! Fuck. It's NICE looking. American made tube mic. Gold plated. Almost $7000.


    I don't want to take a loan out to buy a mic, but that's nice. My space is not good enough for that kind of quality.

  • I bought an SM57 and SM58 about 35 years ago and haven't bought a microphone since. Kelly has a few fancy mics that I will borrow if I ever need them but these were mainly for live work. One for the guitar and one for me to scare small children and punish cats.

  • I've never had an SM58.

    Back in the day I had a Sennheiser 421 that I used for my vocals and guitars. That was back in the bad days. I guess that one is good for high pressure levels, like the SM57. I used to sing very loud. I didn't know shit about mics but that was supposed to be a good one - and I was opposed (stupidly) to the common and lowly SM57 that everyone else had - all beaten to shit

    When we were done with the band I started to just do my own stuff. I got an AKG C1000. I gave that one away at some point and I wish I would have just kept it. It's not expensive but it's a good small condenser.

    I've always wanted to get a really good tube mic.

    The C414 XLS that I have now is very good. I love this mic.

    My current mic set is:

    1 SM57

    1 SM81

    1 414 xls

    That pretty much covers anything that I'm likely to do. The better mics you have, the easier it is to get a mix and for things to just sit in a mix.

    The preamp I have is a UA LA-610 mkII. Got that for 800.00 used several years ago., These are going for about 2K now. This thing is magic. Took me awhile to learn how to use it well, but this thing is amazing. It make everything sound great.

    The two things that I've been wanting - and trying to justify, are:

    Fender American Ultra Precision Bass and this Neumann U 87 Ai

    My friend Tim has the earlier model American Ultra bass - and that thing just sounds PERFECT with NOTHING but the bass plugged right into the interface. It's active and passive. Just incredible sound.

    I suck at bass - but I can play what I need for my basic songs. If I need something good, Tim will do it.

    The U87 mic is something that I've always wanted. Just that perfect open and smooth mic.

  • I use an sm58 for live vocals. I've messed around with a few others but I always go back to the 58. It's very musical and easy to work (utilizing its tight proximity effect and quick rolloff). Studio mics are a different thing all together. The better the mic, the better the room needs to be. Right now I'm contemplating moving my CPU into the other room to lower the noise floor... And I need to hang a couple clouds to tame the nasty slap-back I'm getting off the ceiling. It's a never ending process.

    And I suck.