In a new band

  • My good friend Tim gave me a call today. Whenever we talk we talk for like an hour or more.

    Talked about some of the old times making music and everything. He posted some really good new songs on our other band website.

    I had been solely focusing on my own stuff and not even doing anything with anyone else for like 2 years.

    Anyway we decided to form a new band finally. We talked about it for a long time.

    So we have a big backlog of songs that we can get done and we just picked one to get done and I'm working on that tonight. It's really already almost done.

    The new band is called The Jetglows.

    We might combine some of our solo songs for an album. We have enough for that right now. Or we might just work on new songs. Complete some old ones that we were working on before.

    I like this idea because it gives me a purpose other than doing my own stuff which I don't want to push through with cuz I get lazy.

    So we're excited. I just registered the website names for and

    We plan on having a public forum area, a place to sell merchandise and for people to download songs, and then a private forum for our songwriting.

    The first song we decided to finish is called a million miles away. The main parts are already recorded and I'm just going to arrange them tonight, then Tim's going to record his baseline over it. Because originally it was patched together from pieces of his bass parts. When that's done we're going to get a drummer to drum on it. Maybe Travis if he's not busy. Then release it right away.