I'm a dad

  • Been a while, dudes.

    Found out that I'm a dad. Turns out I have a son that my girlfriend found looking on line. Could have bold me over with a feather when I seen it.

    His name is Jimmy and he's a bass player

    I'm afraid to meet him cause I don't know him. Would he come after my girlfriend or something I dont know. Im still very proud of him though and thats just by instic.

  • Maybe you could set up an elaborate subterfuge where you pretend to be a fast talking record executive with a name like Morty Coinblatt. You could start courting him professionally, make him think some big contract might be coming, like his big break. Just do a little at a time, and stretch it out over a few months - get friendly with him, meet him for lunch several times. You could then sneak some DNA samples from the silverwear or whatever, and send it off to a lab without him knowing anything. You could find out for real if you're really his dad (get it ?)

    Play it right, and you could establish a real good friendship with him and really get to know him - but like arms length so he doesn't get to know what's really going on.

    Then, if you like him, and he likes you and stuff, you can finally say:

    "Well kid there's Good News and Bad News.

    The Bad News is I've been lying to you all along, I'm not a record producer and I fucked with your hopes and dreams.

    The Good News is I fucked your mother."

  • Oh, and if you find you don't like the kid at all, you can just get his hopes up, then excuse yourself from lunch one day, sneak out the back door, and wander off to the next town like Caine from Kung Fu. That half eaten bowl of chili you leave at the table will haunt him for a long time. He'll second guess everything he said, and try real hard to figure out what really happened.

    You could also leave a briefcase with an extensive file on him - name, address, surveillance photos, and leave all kinds of weird clues that don't mean anything (like a treasure map that leads to a burial site in the desert - like a bunch of gold under 50ft of earth). Let that little son of a bitch dig for nothing or whatever.