Leave the World Behind

  • Two word review : Shit Sandwich.

    I managed to endure about 25 minutes and turned it off. It's horribly edited, horribly filmed, with an awful score and just atrocious pacing/story. All the acting is bad, and even the casting itself is awful (a bunch of other the hill washed up B level celebs). They didn't even dress well or even have proper makeup.

    Just pure garbage - amazing to me how something this bad could even be made - let alone be a supposed "Hit".

    I even saw them do a Zoom Shot in the first 5 minutes. I haven't seen anyone do a Zoom Shot since the early 70s. It's the very first thing they tell you to never do in Film School. It's day one stuff even if you If you take any kind of film making course, even at the high school level. Whoever made this is a completely ignorant dilettante.

    So yeah, everything about it is extremely amateurish and it's just terrible to the point of being unwatchable. It was so horrible that at the 10 min mark, I set a timer for another 10 minutes - like just as a reminder that if the film didn't start doing anything for me, it was time to turn it off. That time came and went, and I still gave it another 5 minutes. It was an endurance contest to sit through that last five minutes.

    The worst movie I have ever seen in my life was Cannibal Holocaust. This film might be a candidate for 2nd place.

    Anyways, horrid. I can't understand why anyone would make a big deal out of this steaming pile of shit. It is the top film on Netflix. It leads me to fully believe that all their ratings are made by bots.