Seeing pronouns on a resume.

  • While interviewing people, I always asked at least one technical question, and when the candidate answered it correctly, I would say "that's incorrect" and I'd give them an incorrect answer (politely). I'd also mispronounce technical terms that are widely known in the industry. I always did this at least once.

    The good candidates would just barely chuckle, or not give any reaction and move on. The bad candidates would fucking lose it and throw a hissy fit.

    It was a remarkably good way of weeding out people with anger issues.

  • When stupid forms that have your preferred pronouns as an optional fill in, I always put "His Majesty/Your Highness" in. I then add a foot note that I have a 23 and me link to King Richard's DNA (he fathered at least a couple hundred bastard children they say, so the odds are if you have an ancestry in the UK, you have a fair chance at being a descendent, and thus claimant to the throne).

    Here behind the lines in Canada, this is become very common on various forms/etc.

    You probably have a better claim than the current "Royals."

    You know Drambuie was invented when Scottish Princes decided to take the british throne basically on a Dare.

    We'll need to make our own Drambuie if we do it, too. (Grandmother did actually trace her family track back to the demented third cousin of some reject royal or something.)

  • I had one guy one time lol...

    Gman, you'll like this one....

    Was in Ottawa, working for a Nortel fab 25 years ago - this dude came in for an interview as a sysadmin - they grabbed me to screen him for the more technical stuff. Anyways, this guy was normal enough, seemed on the ball, knew his shit. I asked him a few easy questions, then a few harder ones... he knew the answers.

    The first real snag was he was growing very overconfident and smug as the interview went on. Another guy then asked him about his past work. He went through his previous employment history and then when asked about a gap in his resume, things got a little screwy.

    Long and short of it was he claimed to have worked for CSIS, and was a secret agent basically - and he painted a rich fantasy about need-to-know and if-I-told-you-I'd-have-to-kill-you. So I said "Just tell us anyways, we all have security clearances". Surprisingly, he did. Behind enemy lines shit... claimed to have been involved with a bunch of shit in around the globe - Airborne, SAS, Navy Seals etc. etc. etc. Like he was some kind of computer expert they'd drag around on ops (but a civvie working for CSIS). What made it funny was he was severely obese. I think he played too much Rainbow Six.

    Now, the problem was (not that he realized it), was that the boss for this position (the man he would be reporting to) was an American who flew up for interviews - a Vietnam Veteran (Combat Veteran, who was shot twice during the war) - Swiftboat guy. Rather than go crazy on the guy, he just quietly excused himself from the room, and glanced at me and said "I have to go, can you take it from here" (meaning throw this guy out). His jaw got tight was the only tell of how fucking mad he was.

    Anyways, I continued with the interview - and I pulled my move where I asked a simple technical question, and after getting a right answer, I corrected him. I was just fucking with him at that point. I was younger then - I should have politely walked him out, but I couldn't help needling him for a bit more.

    He lost his shit immediately stood up, and started finger pointing at all of us "I'm GONNA GET THIS JOB, and I'M GONNA BE YOUR FUCKIN BOSS! *points* AND YOUR FUCKIN' BOSS *points* and YOUR FUCKIN' BOSS!!! *points* THEN I'LL BE ASKIN THE FUCKIN QUESTIONS!!!!!!!"

    Anyways, I brought it back down to earth "Take it easy Boss... you're doing great it's ok". He calmed down, embarrassed, and I had a nice talk with him as I led him out the door "we'll call you later this week ok ?". I didn't get physical with him because I knew I'd get in a LOT of trouble if I did, so I played psychologist and talked him off the ledge, then led him out of the building.

    It was funny - I stood there in the atrium and watched him go - and he left in this absolutely destroyed rust bucket of a 1970s Land Rover - belching black smoke is it hobbled away, swaying all over the place as the suspension was fucked.

    He nearly aced that interview so that was a learning experience for me - you always have to dig in the past and fuck with them a little bit. You have to stress them out.

    I've done it to good guys who got the job, and I always told them on day one that I fucked with them, and would tell them they had the right answer, lest they go on thinking I'm a fucking moron.