Song lyric ideas.

  • Just jotted this down real quickly before I forgot. I want to kind of explore this concept and make a really Americana style song about this. I want it to be very visual. Like you can see the scenes when you listen to the song.

    A song about riding a old school train but in an AI generated reality. As though you were living in an AI generated world driving down twisted tracks.

    To a location of your dreams and memories but they're somehow all twisted and distorted.

    There are glimpses of what you want to see and believe but you know it's not real. It's a little bit creepy. But still you have the nostalgia. The feeling that you want to go home to a place that doesn't exist anymore.

  • I sometimes like to write vague lyrics that more sound good ( to my ears) than make a ton of literal sense.

    Playing with AI generated images a while back I noticed how surreal and other-worldly they can be. They generate really cool scenes and people - but some things are just off. It gives me a kind of earie feeling that I can't quite explain

    So imagined living in a world like that for real. Where things are "just" off. I could really vibe on that theme I think and make the lyrics paint a picture, but also that can mean multiple things. Maybe the AI world is closer to the real world than we would like. Everything is perception. Make that connection in the song,

    Just make sure the melody and words give a cool vibe.