Maybe I'm too old for games?

  • Anyway I'm not sure If I like that UA style of game. I will however look into it and see if it is.

    I'm doing that now also. I ran into loads of players in Everquest that had left Ultima Online to play EQ that ranted and raved about how much better EQ was over UO. I'm about to form my own opinion. ;)

  • You wont understand or get UO if you're jumping into it from modern times.

    The graphics are bad. 1997 2d overhead.

    But it's not about the graphics,

    It's an incredibly complex game. Not for a casual gamer. Everything about the game is perfect, except the graphics. That's why I said that I wish they made a modern version of it. Keep everything the same but update the UI and graphics.

    It's very complex.

  • Gina I'm 53... so I'm ok with the older games.

  • google UO Outlands

    Like I was telling Iron - people don't camp corpses. There's no reason too. Of course, he never played the game.

    The allure for me is that you can openly PVP or steal from anyone, whether they agree or not. It's not for pussies. If you die, you lose your stuff.

    I used to like to try to get revenge on people who murdered me. It was a lot of fun back in the day.

  • That's not griefing, that's normal game play.

    When engaged in pvp, if you die, you lose all your stuff, every time? Do I have this correct?

    well, usually. The people that kill you will take anything of value. A few things you have might be "blessed" and stay with you. People may not loot all of your stuff, but they usually would.

    They kill people farming dungeons. You can have at least three characters though. You can build one just for PVP and depending on what skills you choose to build, you could go pvp with stuff that doesn't cost you too much if you lose.

  • well, usually. The people that kill you will take anything of value. A few things you have might be "blessed" and stay with you. People may not loot all of your stuff, but they usually would.

    Yeah well, fuck that bullshit all the way to the 9th level of hell. There is absolutely NOTHING fun about working your ass off to get your gear just to have someone else steal it. That is why I quit playing on pvp servers in EverQuest, I got tired of roving gangs killing me and taking the gear I'd worked hard to get.

  • EverQuest has far more subs and daily players than UO at this point. Is Legends of Kesmai dead because I don't see it in the top 133 MMO's.

    maybe. Bit there are over 400k playing UO

    I checked out most games that are simiular to UO and none of them have open PVP. Ever quest would not interest me at all. The PVP is guild on guild.

    I liked UO because you could go do whatever you wanted and it was risky to be out and about.

    A lot people like to just go off "exploring" in games and farming. No risk. Grinding. Not me

    UO has the best system I've ever played. You can reach a maximum off 700 skill points. No levels. Just 700 skill points.

    So no players are "level 80" or whatever. No one has any advantage other than their skill and how they decide to build their template.

  • EQ grieving. Outdoor map take bard with highest run speed in game aggro multiple mobs and train them all on the unexpecting group trying to get xp.

    Pulling trains on groups that were camping mobs you wanted was a favorite activity for many. They'd wait until you'd pulled mobs and then pull more on top of you. Enchanters used to charm players and then have them fight way more mobs than they could kill resulting in their deaths and exp loss. Necromancers and Shadow Knights used Fear to accomplish the same thing. Some would corpse camp you and if you had the audacity to complain? They'd stay for days and have their friends do the same. Camping your bind point, people did that also, you'd end up in a death loop, spawn/die/spawn/die/spawn/die.

  • maybe. Bit there are over 400k playing UO

    1.21 million playing EQ with over 23,000 playing daily.

    I checked out most games that are simiular to UO and none of them have open PVP.

    EverQuest used to have multiple servers that were open world PvP, I don't know if they still do or not. I never saw any guild on guild pvp when I played on Rallos Zek and then Tallon Zek. Sullon Zek was a free for all, no teams and only one safe zone in the entire world.

    UO has the best system I've ever played. You can reach a maximum off 700 skill points. No levels. Just 700 skill points.

    It doesn't look like to me that you start with 700 skill points. If say I start with 100 and run into another player with 700 I'm going to get my ass beat with no chance at winning. That is no different than in EQ or WoW where people have had more time to grind out levels and gear. If you are outleveled/geared in either of those games you're going to get the shit kicked out of you repeatedly with no chance at winning no matter your skill level.

    No one has any advantage other than their skill and how they decide to build their template.

    They also have their skill point advantage over newer players.