Hamas Israeli war

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    what a horrible experience that must have been, That poor guard that covered them getting out of the car. Hiding right in the middle of that and hearing people dying and getting shot for 5 hours - not knowing if at any second they would be found and killed.

    I don't get one fuck about these Palestinians. I don't care if they all get wiped out.

    You know Israel left Gaza and those fucks have it. Those fucking rats even let a terrorist organization rule them.

    They don't deserve to live. Fuck Gaza and glass that shit hole over.

    And fuck the Arabs too. None of them are trying to help the Palestinian civilians and they NEVER do help them.

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    Well respected man about town doing the best things most conservatively

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  • It's long. It's worth the read. The guy is right. Nobody in our military or political establishments will read and heed.

    Israel's illusion of security - UnHerd


    Today, as the United States and its allies rush with increasingly visible panic to try to put out one fire after another around the world, I’m afraid that a global failure cascade may be exactly what we’re witnessing. The number of lights blinking red is growing faster and faster as more dominos fall. If this is the case, then just solving existing problems will never be enough: every effort to fight one fire may just set off new fires. Might America, by embroiling itself in two regional wars at once, prompt China to invade Taiwan when it otherwise wouldn’t have dared, for example? It seems like a possibility. But then we can’t know for sure: growing unpredictability is now the defining feature of the system.

    There are many people who, witnessing this chaos play out, will predictably argue that the empire needs to redouble its efforts, to yield no ground anywhere, and to show everyone the power of its “global leadership”. The encroaching jungle must be forced back everywhere because to retreat would be to demonstrate weakness and invite calamity. Needless to say, doing more will only add more complexity to the system, and thus more vulnerabilities. It won’t do anything to prevent or stop a failure cascade — only increase its ultimate scope, momentum, and unpredictability."

  • It wasn't a very long read.

    I think we're in the situation we're in right now because a Biden. I don't think we would have been in this situation under Trump at all..

    Trump was trying to get the Europeans to pay their way. He was keeping us out of wars and he wasn't committing us to any of this bullshit..

    Biden is a weak ass stupid son of a bitch so everybody is using that to take advantage The weakness.

    Still, we can't defend every part of the world all over the world.

    I'm not sure I know enough about Israel's border fence to make an informed comment, but just off the top of my head I would imagine that over time it prevented a lot of minor bullshit that would have been continuously ongoing. And this was one big breach but it still was only for a few hours. They've got it contained still. So I think that to dismiss it out of hand as a failure it's kind of ridiculous..

    I don't think it's a border fence failure so much as a logistics in command failure and being caught off guard.

    I don't think anybody ever thought that the wall was in penetrable. It was designed to keep everyday fuck heads out. Not withstand a direct major assault. Yet it still does its job.

    It's not like it can be easily circumvented any day anyone wants to. Especially now.

  • I think one of his points is that the Israelis came to view the wall as impenetrable and therefore relinquished much of the oversight to AI and withdrew a lot if not most of the human oversight. Thus, a very complex system was left to operate on it's own. Hamas managed to cause a failure that caused cascading failures due to it being a very complex system.

    He then extrapolates that. You are right that our present B-Obama administration has pretty much fucked us and put us into a situation where cascading failures are now quite possible. I read today where we had cut a deal to have the Israelis send howitzer ammunition to Ukraine because war stocks are running low in the US and throughout NATO. After this Hamas attack, those rounds enroute are going back to Israel an no further shipments are planned. That could be the start of a cascade (it might not); no ammo for Ukraine could certainly cause further problems.

    No doubt China is watching. Were I XI, I would poliltely inform Taiwan that they were now going to rejoin the mainland much as Hong Kong did. I'd offer a reasonable deal like the one the Brits and the Chinks made over Hong Kong and once done, I'd slowly renege on the promises one by one. Fait Accompli without a shot being fired.

    Why? Because B-Obama can't do a damn thing about it. After I informed Taiwan of the deal, I'd inform the US I was going to park an unmanned big Roll On/Roll Off cargo ship in an empty area of the Pacific, put out a NOTAM telling all aircraft and ships to steer clear because I was going to sink it with 3-4 DF-27 hypersonics hitting all at once. I would do that. Then I'd advise the US to stay out of the Taiwan business or lose its carriers.

    Nobody wants to go to war against China. Even if you win, you lose.

    I believe, like the author says

    "The number of lights blinking red is growing faster and faster as more dominos fall. If this is the case, then just solving existing problems will never be enough: every effort to fight one fire may just set off new fires. "

    Rode Hard, Put Away Wet

    Edited once, last by Toad ().

  • I think Russia is behind this attack on Israel. Somehow. They know we have been using our ammo and that we're fucked.

    The reason for all of the blinking red lights is a power vacuum .

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    Geez...it appears that the "oppressed" have become the oppressors..

  • My Old Friend Is Ripping Down Posters of Kidnapped Children
    Around the world, young people are tearing down photographs of innocent Israelis abducted by Hamas. One of them is Sarah.

    More than thirty Israeli children, some as young as 9 months old, are currently being held captive by Hamas terrorists inside Gaza. If they are still alive, they have now spent seventeen nights away from their beds. Some of them are alone. Some of them are with their siblings. Some of them watched their parents die in front of their eyes.

    None of them are getting bedtime stories or purple nightlights.

    There are a lot of horrors that have been reported in the last seventeen days—rape that broke women’s pelvic bones, babies riddled with bullets, children whose fingers and feet were cut off, entire families that were burned to death with their hands tied behind their backs, a pregnant woman whose fetus was cut out of her stomach while she was still alive. For parents, though, there may be nothing as agonizing as the ongoing terror of children being held captive by an ISIS-style jihadist terrorist organization that revels in Jewish suffering. As one parent put it, that would be worse than death.

    There have been widespread, grassroots efforts to bring attention to the kidnapped civilians, especially the children. One information campaign that has been gaining traction is called Let the World Know, which was started by Anna Tambini, an Israeli woman who lives in San Francisco. Volunteers across America, and around the world, have been hanging posters of the hostages on streetlights and posts, subway walls and coffee shops. Each poster has an individual picture and name with a simple call to action: “Take a photo of this poster and share it. Please help bring them home alive.”

    There is no Israeli flag on these posters. There is no mention of politics. They are as anodyne as the missing children that used to appear on the side of American milk cartons.

    And still. People all over the world—especially young, cool-looking people, with nose rings and neon backpacks—are ripping them down.

    Across the internet, videos have emerged of people angrily tearing down these posters wherever they find them. In NYC. In L.A. In San Diego. In Santa Cruz. In Richmond. In Miami. In Philadelphia. In Ontario. In Paris. In London. They are ripping the faces of real people who are missing—babies, children, teenagers, women, elderly—to shreds.

    Well respected man about town doing the best things most conservatively