Duh Speaker of Duh House Done Spoke....

  • "The American people feel very strongly about this, and I do as well. We have things that we can and should do around the world, but we have to take care of our own house first," Johnson said at the time. "As long as the border is wide open, we're opening ourselves up for great threats. And again, it's just a matter of principle that if we're going to take care of a border in Ukraine, we need to take care of America's as well. And I think there's bipartisan support for that idea."

    Well, he just talked the talk; let's see if he can make the House walk the walk.

    Or, as my FIL used to say, I've heard ya talk. Now let's see ya DO something.

  • I think it's great to see both bundled together as it forces the hand of both extremes. The bad part is the issue on the border has nothing to do with funding and unless that funding forces the admin to do things they will just use the funding to enable more illegal activity.