So, how's life been?

    • Official Post

    I've been busy with work, sleep, covid and just getting old.

    Lost a friend to cancer last Sunday. His name was Mike. He and his wife, plus some other friends actually met up with Mollyblue just before she suddenly and unexpectedly died in her sleep.

    So I've just been looking back and remembering people and times.

    I got covid just before Christmas. I'd gone TWO years. lol. It was super mild. No fever, no breathing problems. Just basically very tired. It started off as lower back pain. It felt like my left kidney hurt. I got to my car and called my boss. My lower back was hurting and I told him I needed to go home to lay down.

    I was in bed for 8 or 9 days. Just super tired, but otherwise felt fine. The lower back pain was bad for 4 days, then went away.

    Does anyone still come by here? I leave ICOM up just in case anyone wants to drop by. I know that for me, I miss forums that shut down and then have no way of contacting any of the members again.

    Hope you guys are doing well.


    • Official Post

    Oh, hi Bronk

    Maybe I'll explain later but right now I'm just sick and tired of today.

    Thanks for coming over here. I appreciate that. I care for all of you guys.

    I guess I can say that I feel that a certain person didn't really care about what I was saying. Didn't care about me or take what I was saying as a sign that I was getting very upset. Didn't care enough to back off. Just pushed harder making it about him. How HE was not going to be threatened.

    I was not threatening anyone. I was saying that it was not a good idea to engage me right now, and instead of backing off he just put the pedal down. Had to be right. Had to start arguing with my friend on the VERY first post when I had asked and begged for people to act as if that was a friend of mine. Just say hi first even.

    This is not about Wayne or "protecting" anyone. It was simply about the fact that what I was asking was totally disregarded.

    storch understood and told me that he would never treat a friend of mine unkindly.

    You may not understand it, but I told everybody that I was going to lose it if the SAME old shit happened again when new people come over.

    The main thing was about me, not Wayne. Its how I was not given a fucking courtesy.

  • No problem. You do what you need to do. Like I said I like you, I think you're good people. If I have to come over here to just check up thats what I'll do. You get some rest and have a good evening.

    • Official Post

    I know.

    I was thinking a lot about this this morning.

    I know a lot of it is me and how I reacted. The core of it is that I felt that my feelings and what I had asked were being completely ignored and thrown to my face.

    I don't want to hurt anybody else. I don't want to hurt that forum. All of you guys are my friends and I love you guys.

    I really will not be back over there though. I'm going to let it run and I will run it. I'm not going to neglect it or let it go to shit but I hope people don't just start quitting because I'm gone.

    People are welcome to come over here, but I don't want to drag people over here as though I'm the draw and end up having flame warriors be an empty shell that people just follow me over here.

    I don't want anybody to be bad at laz, or anyone.

    On a different subject, I was able to play aces high last night and I flew with a mouse and almost shot a guy down in a P-51. Lol it looked pretty good even though I'm only running my onboard graphics.

    I think I'm going to start playing that game for a while again. It was actually kind of fun and I think it looks pretty good even with all the stuff turned off.

    So I'm going to open a section over here for aces high and some games and just make this my home over here.

    I really regret what happened though. I don't want to just have people feel like I've taken my ball and and stopping off. I guess that's kind of what I did though.

    I just love those guys and I love that forum.

    I felt like I was being ignored in my simple request. Maybe that was stupid of me but I took it pretty hard.

    So enough blabbering I've got to get my tranny ass to work. Lol

  • You do you and let the chips fall where they may. Thanks for keeping FW going It's a goo place to vent.

    Lazs is lazs and that isnt going to ever change. My first thoughts on his 1st posts were wow this is tame for lazs. I guess you saw that diff. NP not my place to tell you how you should feel.

    What did you do to get it running better? you said in you initial post it would be unplayable?

    • Official Post

    My main issue was not in what he said, it was that he never listened to me when I was trying to tell him that I was going off the rails.

    I stead of biting his tougne, he started defending himself and saying how he was right, etc.

    It goes deeper but that was my main thing was that he didn't extend even a small courtesy to me.

    And then he got mad and made it about himself when I said that I was not to be engaged, he took that as a threat to himself. It wasn't.

  • I like lazs, a lot. He is a carbon copy of my uncle Bob. They both can be as informative and helpful but as soon as they feel slighted, holy shit turn on a dime. I'm not making excuses for Lazs just I've dealt with the type my whole life and look at it as ... it's just uncle Bob, next. It's FW and we have been virtually around one another for years. We all know where a line is with one another and unless provoked we should avoid it. That's my opinion and where i try to keep my posts.

  • Double G -

    I was missing you at the other place so I made an account here to keep in touch. Hope you are doing well. I am sorry about how you were treated, you deserve more respect. I pretty much put together what happened and am finally about caught up on the going ons after being away sick for 4 days. I am feeling better but there are times I suddenly feel like total crap again. It comes and goes in waves it seems.


    • Official Post

    Good to see you!

    Don't worry about me I'm doing fine.

    I don't think I deserve any special treatment, I was just hoping for something and I got frustrated. Mostly that I wasn't being listened to but that's just a bunch of stuff that's in my head so no big deal.

    I moved on and everything's going to be good!