How will people sign their names if cursive is no longer taught?

  • Best you go get boosted too...

    don't worry I am and so is my wife. by the way I don't care what the cdc says, I follow what I think is best for me. I don't even force my wife, she does what she thinks is best for her. and again you proving the dumbing down of adults. both times I got it it was nothing more than an inconvenience. but the first time my wife got it was 9 days in er and it affected her memory. she gets lost sometimes. my nephew was complaining of being tired all the time. he fell asleep driving has 60% lung capacity at 28 years old.

  • #I'mnotreadingthiswholemess

    Next thing you know they'll start taking clocks out of the schools because they're not teaching kids how to tell time anymore. My signature has devolved into a squiggly line with a couple of dots and a couple of other squiggly lines. Requiring a signature is pretty fucking stupid by today's standard and I feel like a monkey fucking a football whenever I'm forced to perform one. Just the other day I renewed my license plate online... "By clicking this box you agree to this, that and the other thing." That's the part where if you went into the DMV, the unfireable .gov employee would say... "sign here, here and here." It's really all kinda pointless and silly when put into perspective. It's like "solemnly swearing"... What the fuck does that even mean? You're either honest, or not.