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    The air conditioner needs 12 gauge.

    I did not find a fuse panel that would work but I found that one of the 20 amp circuits didn't go to anything. I think it went to my roof air conditioner which I have not used in years.

    So right now I am getting ready to fish the wire through the back of the distribution panel and hook it up to that 20 amp circuit. But before I do that I need to put it into conduit or something because it's just the 12 gauge wire, 3 of them and they're not in any conduit on the inside part under my kitchen sink. It's only about 4 ft.

    But everything's hard for me. Moving things lifting things unwinding the wire even crimping the wire. And trying to get it to close inside of the box. It's just hard and I hate it.

    Kind of on the home stretch now. But my place is a complete disaster. I've got crap everywhere even some insulation on the floor that I pulled up.

    After I get this hooked up to power on the inside, the unit is already wired outside through the disconnect box. Then all I have to do is connect the refrigerant lines and the wire for the air handler inside. And that's already pre-wired and I just have to screw them in. And then wrap up the cord.

    I could probably get it done tonight.

    I just want it to be safe and especially if something happens to me and someone acquires the trailer later I don't want anybody to get killed trying to figure out some goofball thing that I did.

    • Official Post

    This is what I'm dealing with right now. I'm just wrapping this inside part up. I'm going to go to Little Caesars and get a pizza I'm so hungry right now. And then I'll come back and connect the outside and fire this thing up!

    Oh underneath this panel is a bunch of ziggy's hair and some mouse poop. It's so gross! Do you guys remember like 10 years ago when I had mice? Oh man that was a nightmare.

    So nasty!

    But look at this conduit that I got at home Depot. I got it for the outside. It's called a whip. It goes from the disconnect to the air conditioner. Well I bought two of them because I figured I would screw something up and it turns out it works for this little box. The hole that I punched out was the one that the air conditioning line went into and it had this special plug for RVs I guess? Anyway this conduit fit right in there and the nut fit in there too. I just had to get my fingers in there and it took me a while to get that nut on there the holy crap I'm so proud of myself!

    See the one on the left that has the metal nut on it? That's what I ran through and those are my wires poking through the green white and black.

    • Official Post

    It's working!

    This thing is incredible. You can barely hear it when it's on full blast even the outside condenser is almost inaudible. I am flabbergasted!

    I'm testing it now at 62° and the air is just ice cold. Oh I am so happy! This is going to be such a great investment.

    I highly recommend this unit if you want to do a do-it-yourself installation.

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    And it's very high quality. You can tell by everything that's packaged with it even the literature.

    Made in the United States. In Kentucky.

    It's got a USB connection that you connect into the unit and I guess that's for controlling it anywhere with your cell phone.

    I could not be happier with this thing.

    Now I've got a lot of cleanup to do. I can't even get onto my bed right now there's so much stuff everywhere.

    But it's done!

  • Should have utilized THWN in 12 or maybe even 10ga. I dislike romex. Stranded performs so much better and is easier to work.

    I'm not certain I want membership in a club with standards so low as to allow me membership.

    • Official Post

    Should have utilized THWN in 12 or maybe even 10ga. I dislike romex. Stranded performs so much better and is easier to work.

    I didn't use any Romex. I used solid 12 gauge wire. Then put it in conduit.

    The Romex you see in the pictures is the trailers wiring that was already there.

    The conduit. The gray conduit is what I put in

  • Solid is why I personally don't like romex. There is one advantage to solid. That is inserting the copper into the plugs on the backside of the interruptors or the outlets. Aside from that I find solid is difficult to pull and get through connectors. Not everyone agrees. The important thing is you accomplished what I consider a difficult DIY.

    Congratulations. Now if you have solid left the other advantage is solid makes great extension cord ties. Additionally Solid also makes a good whip to keep your bitches in line.

    I'm not certain I want membership in a club with standards so low as to allow me membership.

    • Official Post

    well I had a workout. I was frustrated but I kept at it. Really, I lucked out. That distribution panel - I was totally lucky that I had an open 20A circuit available. - and there's only 5 total in the panel.

    I need to clean up outside and inside but I'm very happy that I was able to get this all hooked up, I think in a safe mner.

  • You accomplished it. That is impressive. Moreover that you completed it alone speaks volumes about your ability.

    I would have taken a son and grandson on that project and made them do it then taken all the credit.

    I'm not certain I want membership in a club with standards so low as to allow me membership.

    • Official Post

    Thank you, guys.

    I sure would have loved top have some help, Sluggo - and it would have been nice to see you.

    I'm weak AF now and almost everything was physically hard for me and I would get so frustrated. Like with every little thing. Even opening the can of glue - I could not twist the lid off and had to find some pliers big enough for the lid. Everything was a fight.

    But yeah. Done. Thanks for listening to my crying. lol.

    Now I'm just trying to figure out how to set up the wifi.

  • I hate tasks like that. I completely commiserate. OTOH my Son excels at that shit. He and my grandkid are a great team on those.

    I'm not certain I want membership in a club with standards so low as to allow me membership.

    • Official Post

    I got dressed to go to the store because I was craving ice cream and I came home without the dang ice cream.

    Slept all day. After I made my breakfast I thought I would take a nap and I just ended up sleeping all day. Now I'm still drowsy.

    Still need to clean up everything. Tools and crap just everywhere. And then it's work tomorrow. Dang I feel like the weekend was nothing but work. Lol.

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    Yeah, I think that's why I slept so well. Today was about 85° out but it was like 60% humidity at one point. That's just like Florida. Well, actually it's not even close to being like Florida. Lol. But I hate humidity and it makes me feel gross.

    Having this nice air conditioning unit that I can't even hear is such an amazing blessing. The whole place feels instantly more comfortable.

    Another thing I noticed too is that my fuse panel breakers don't even get warm now. With my window AC rattling all day at full blast those fuses or breakers would feel really hot. Or at least really warm. Now I can't even feel that they're getting warm. Plus, I can use my microwave and my stove without blowing a breaker because my new air conditioner draws way less current and it's on its own breaker!

    Right now I'm sitting in my car still with my groceries. Drinking ice water. I went and got my car washed too.

    I just wish I had another day off. I need to go inside and clean up all my tools and mess. And then it will probably be 8:00 and I'll be tired but I'll want to make music. But then if I do that it's going to get late too fast and then I'll be too tired for work tomorrow.

    Oh well, I'm not complaining. Well yes I am. I'm bitching. Lol.

    But I'm grateful and thankful for everything.