The Deep State, Dangerous Lefties, Leftist insanity, Liberal filth, lying pedo cocksuckers

  • Do you ever remember any of the saying that he was the guy?

    Yep. All of you right wingers were infatuated with him last year. He was supposed to be Lump without the baggage. He was supposed to be intelligent and effective. Some libruls were worried that the hype might be true.

    It was obvious to me all along that you can't be president if you're a short dude with a whiney voice. That's almost as disqualifying as being bald. He started wearing heels, but people made fun of him for it so he quit. Even worse than his whiney voice, he's just awkward as hell talking to people. Have you seen him laugh? He looks like a fucking alien imitating a human laugh. And why the fuck does he wear those stupid work shirts with his name printed on them twice? I think the guy is an Aspie. He's the worst politician I've ever seen. He only got elected because Florida is chock full of frightened demented geezers.

  • lol. I never was. I don't recall anyone making any kind of deal out of him.

    I've liked some of the things I've heard that he's done in Florida, but I never liked the guy. I always thought he was out of his league in trying to get outside of Florida.

    I really liked his position and what he did during covid. He didn't fall for all of the bullshit lockdowns and forced vax stuff.

    I think he's goof for Florida, but never liked him or followed him. Honesty do not remember anyone here loving the guy. Can you give any examples or name names?

  • I'd be totally happy if DeSantis was pres, moot point, clearly not gonna happen. He's the only one of the bunch actually fighting the spread of communism. He should have waited until '28. His candidacy seemed better in theory than reality, like Cruz on '16

    Well respected man about town doing the best things most conservatively

  • Unfortunately, the republican party is controlled by the biggest dip shit idiots on the planet, and you will see that on Wednesday. The ones who want to remove trump are just as corrupt as the democrats and prove that an establishment does exist. So they go and try and run DeSantis and waste millions. Making him look like a damn fool. So now his chances in the future are slim, which was a total idiot fucking move by the GOP. I guess if that was their actually goal, they sure accomplished it. They actually fucking think that Trump isn't going to be able to run because of these lawsuits. War will come before that I can guarantee it. He's the #1 nominee by a long shot and the people who don't have his back are fucked in the head. They don't think this persecurion will happen to them? Get real! They are suckas and pathetic idiots.

    As for the Democrats, will these stupid dumb fucks ever learn? They watch their cities turn to absolute trash dumps with rampant crime and homelessness and still attack "muh right wingers". What a bunch of fucking nut jobs. How can you sit here and watch Biden, and the war in Ukraine, and a shit ass stock market, high prices, high interest rate, a crack head pathetic son, and on and on and on and then have the gall to attack "muh right wingers". Fucking worthless peices of shit.

  • Oh I forgot to mention. This is what happens when democrats steal elections and the stupid fucking moron democrat followers think this just okay while they attack "muh right wingers"? Makes my blood boil how fucking stupid these people are and it puts us all at risk. Meanwhile I we still have to get fucking naked to get on a God damn airplane. Fucking peices of shits.

    Open floodgates at Arizona border allow thousands of migrants to walk into the country
    Federal officials have quizzically left 114 floodgates open across the US border in Arizona for nearly two months — making the Grand Canyon State the busiest…

  • Oh I forgot to mention. This is what happens when democrats steal elections and the stupid fucking moron democrat followers think this just okay while they attack "muh right wingers"? Makes my blood boil how fucking stupid these people are and it puts us all at risk. Meanwhile I we still have to get fucking naked to get on a God damn airplane. Fucking peices of shits.…-allow-thousands-into-us/

    You should do something about it. Merrick Garland's prisons have plenty of room. It's a great retirement plan.

  • The ones who want to remove trump are just as corrupt as the democrats and prove that an establishment does exist.

    Gee, all politicians are corrupt? You don't say.

    Goat is correct about this . . . paraphrasing quite a bit . . . a ham sandwich could beat Biden. Donald Trump will not.

    It amazes me about American politics how much the individual matters in elections vs. how much their policies matter. Keep electing the person who is perceived as the lesser douche. You will continue to have a douche in office, but at least he's the lesser one.

    Actual policies be damned, our douche is less douchey than your douche. Even Donald trump was less douchey than Hillary. Not that this is saying much.

    Whether you like his policies or not, Trump is an extraordinary douche. And on that reason alone, he is unelectable in my opinion by modern American political standards. The independents want nothing to do with him. A good number of Repubs want nothing to do with him. But a large number of people can't live without him, regardless of the minuscule actual policy difference between him and anyone else on the R side. So he will get the R nomination -- and then he will lose.

    Events may very well prove me wrong, but that's my prediction at this point.

    Brauno in a previous life, followed by LTARget. E25280 on the Forum.

    SWtarget in last AH in game incarnation.

    "Proudly drawing fire so my brothers may pass unharmed."

    Brauno in World of Tanks.

    "What is, is. What was, will be. What will be, was, but will be again." - Horseshack from Welcome Back Kotter