The Solution to Poverty is War

  • I've mentally checked out of this world. In the sense that I'm only really bothering to think much about things not in my immediate realm. I'm happy to not constantly hear about all the bullshit going on in the world. Lol.

    Kind of like I used to tell some of you guys about California. None of the wacky shit that goes on here concerns me much because I don't deal with it. I wake up and I enjoy the weather and I'm happy making music and doing my thing during the day. Other than that what can you really do about anything?

  • Not at a dig at Gina . That attitude is ok for someone that has no children. The “wacky shit” that goes on at the state and local lvl is the most concerning.

    If I didn't have the wife and kid etc. I'd be cashing in right about now. I'd get a sailboat and wander the rest of my life - and I'd be content... I'd be like a sailing version of Then Came Bronson - come in to port on the Sea Cunt, meet locals, solve some petty problems, the sail off into the next adventure. I would definitely ignore the big picture and not look past the horizon. I'd probably pick up the odd hippy girlfriend or a Tahine... and when I'd get sick of 'em I'd throw them overboard LOL.

    Well something like that anyways.

  • I'd do same in similar circumstances, save it would be on my bike (Of course my good deeds would be restricted to CA and FLA during the winter months)

    Well respected man about town doing the best things most conservatively

  • My attitude works perfectly whether you have a family or not. The key is to be happy in your life with what you've got and to do the best with what you've got.

    There's some things that you cannot change no matter what you do. My point is that you shouldn't worry about things that you have no control over.

    “Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself in your way of thinking.”

    ― Marcus Aurelius

  • Enough of this hippy crap. You all got no time for boats, bikes, and bitches. You have a Geezer War to fight on behalf of your Orange Retard. You gotta murder all those young folks who aren't on board with more handouts to billionaires and more genital regulations. Just ask the Banana Republican, he'll set you straight.

  • Enough of this hippy crap. You all got no time for boats, bikes, and bitches. You have a Geezer War to fight on behalf of your Orange Retard. You gotta murder all those young folks who aren't on board with more handouts to billionaires and more genital regulations. Just ask the Banana Republican, he'll set you straight.

    Calm down.

  • Yes, there are things one can do.

    Try to find and support people that have the personality to “work within the system” to push conservatism. I can support them, I can’t be one.

    Speak out. Engage fucking idiots who spew their bullshit in public. Point them out as FIs. Incredibly I have had to do this with two lefty FIs at the Skeet range. Amazing that there are Bidenbuddies there.

    Prepare. Like Storch, I believe Der Tag, the day of reckoning, will eventually arrive. If something can’t go on forever it won’t. I may or may not be around to see it. I will however be prepared as best I can for societal collapse and the ensuing violence. Call me a prepper or some such.

    Previews of this scenario have run in Portland and other places. The Fascists won’t have free rein forever. Eventually, liberty loving people will regrettably have to stop what they’re doing and set things to rights.

    There are other things too. Things best not posted in places where run amok agencies can access the posts. I’m thinking Hangtime was right about that.

    Rode Hard, Put Away Wet

    Edited once, last by Toad ().