Tobacco you miss

  • Hot damn, I like that makeover idea GG... I need some white cotton pants too - like Miami Vice style, and topsiders without socks. A captain hat as well, like Skipper from Gilligan's Island. One of those three wheeled bicycles too - I'll be a chick magnet like that, going up and down the long Florida Piers. I bet a lot of hot chicks would appreciate a Double-Ride.

    I wonder how much I understand from your lament. I live in a different culture. Good. Keep educating me. It all will pay when I'll get to be a platoon interpreter.

  • boroda, when you don't understand what we are saying, it's usually 9 times out of 10 that we are joking or being sarcastic, to be funny among ourselves. You Russians don't understand our humor that well. We make fun of ourselves all the time.

  • boroda, when you don't understand what we are saying, it's usually 9 times out of 10 that we are joking or being sarcastic, to be funny among ourselves. You Russians don't understand our humor that well. We make fun of ourselves all the time.

    Same shit here.

    When I joke - you take me seriously, when I am serious - you guys think I am joking. Different approach.

    Ya - Ja - means "me", "I" in Russian.

    Vovochka, was it you who burnt that tank? - Ja! But it was a Soviet tank! - Ja, ja!

  • Americans miserably fail to get the sense of Russian jokes. Like many years ago with same public IIRC it was at AH. Lada crash test failed because a dummy took off the belts and ran away screaming. You guys literally thought it was a joke about Russians using live humans as crash-test dummies. You guys need at least a bachelors course in a Sarcasmatic University.

  • I haven't had one for just over a week. All this year has been like one of those toxic relationships that you know you should get out of but keep falling back into. I think I may have it this time though, four days was my previous longest time without a smoke. Pot was easy, I just said no more and that was it. I still share a joint with a friend or family member on special occasions but that's it.

  • Another from Soviet times.

    I had a tape recorder when I was 13. Listened to the Beatles on LPs. We exchanged tape records. Cassetes. Copyright - say what? Re-write a Wish You Were Here, OK? Abbey Road, Dark Side, LZII, etc - all I have on compact cassetes carefully stored at the attic.

  • We had a stupid law here in the 60s that all music played on the radio needed to be some stupidly high percentage of Australian music. So, what happened, there were all these shitty knock off records of Australian artists (if you could call them that) playing over seas hits.

  • So here is what worked for me. I'm OC therefore there's a dynamic that comes into play for or against you depending on mindset.

    I smoked Winstons. When I quit I bought a carton. The last pack I opened but didn't smoke one. I placed it open in my shirt pocket.

    There were two guys on the crew who smoked but didn't buy. These guys bummed. One guy asked me as usual if he could bum a square. I replied sorry Gerr I don't smoke. He looked at me sort of the way my dog does when he can smell bacon. A bit later the other guy too. Then my brother who also smoked came around. He dolt, what's up? Nothin'. You good? Me? Ya.

    That went on for a few days. As you can imagine in the hot hot humid pocket of a physical man that pack of smokes looked awful. It disintegrated after about three weeks.

    The toughest go was around coffee or alcohol. That was 1996. I may have bummed ten smokes since. The last one from David Cotton ten years ago.

    I'm not certain I want membership in a club with standards so low as to allow me membership.

  • My uncle would not allow me to smoke in his vehicles. Therefore, whenever I was riding with him, when we would stop, I would get out and smoke. To this day I feel a compulsion to smoke whenever I exit one of his vehicles.