Tobacco you miss

  • Any?

    In early 90s here - Lucky Strike no filter were cheaper than most of imported cigarettes while Soviet brands like Pegas I smoked vanished.

    I now smoke Luckies and want a good old soft pack without filter. Or at least Camel without filter.

    Some shit without filter - I have Luch (Ray), maybe 30 more packs from Biysk. Gets you all the way to the temple. Nothing like new-fangled Virginia tobacco.

    Damn. When I was in Bulgaria two years ago - they said ther's no Bulgarian cigarettes at all. Freedom democracy my ass.

    I have bought Galouises Corporal in soft packs, cigar tobacco, thick and short. An average smoker chokes at a first how to say - inhale :) An addition to enjoying it was that no one shot a smoke twice :)

    Now they don't make anything like that except Cubans. But Cuban cigarettes cost three times more than ordinary shit. I remember Soviet times when I didn't smoke and Cuban cigarettes without filter - Ligeros and Partagas were 20 kopeykas a pack while cheapest decent Soviet or Bulgarian shit was maybe 25. Oh well there were Pamir 13 kopeykas a pack, issued mostly to soldiers, or Ukrainian SSR Verkhovina - 6 kopeykas. Like 6 boxes of matches per 20 pack of smokes.

  • I found a small box (like for chocolates) that was stashed in Canuckistan that belonged to my grandfather. I was surprised to find what was inside - a horde of 100s of postage stamps from the 1930s and older (he was a serious stamp collector), and at the bottom, a great big dried up brown tobacco leaf.

    My father told me that during WWII, it was hard to get smokes, but you could get the actual leaves which were canned - and you had to grind them up and roll your own. Anyways, I have one of his leaves that fell into that box, and there I find it, this week, perfectly preserved.

    So I never smoked, but I'm kind of tempted to crush it up and light it for a quick hit - you know, smoke my grandfather's last stash that's been sitting there in a time capsule for like almost 80 years. I knew him when I was young - we were very close. He died when I was 8.

  • I have some of his stamp books - one, from 1920. They are mounted on what they call hinges - well, when a large book is closed and everything is packed tight, stuff sticks a bit after 50-100 years. This is good because it kept oxygen out, and prevented the pages from leeching acid, turning brown and destroying everything. So anyways, I was carefully prying a stamp, and it came up all at once, and it released a strong tobacco smell - that I instantly remembered as the smell of the tobacco my grandfather smoked (and I've never smelled it since the old days). And after a quick moment, the smell was totally gone. It was pretty wild that the smoke smell was trapped under a stamp for so long. I tried a few more, only one had the same effect. Anyways it brought back vivid memories, I remembered that smell. Anyways was very cool - I felt like he said hi to me. I'm getting into his entire collection and learning all about that stuff, and I'm going to research each one and pick up his collection and keep building it (after a 50 year deep freeze lol). He would have been happy that I did that.

  • I smoked from the age of 19 until 21 or so...thankfully it never took. (unlike any OTHER number of bad habits)

    Well respected man about town doing the best things most conservatively

  • Was really never my thing simple as that. I always liked the smell of good pipe tobacco or a good cigar - before it's lit. LOL.

    If I ever were to take up smoking, it would have been pipe or cigar, no inhalation.

    Never got into pot/drugs/whatever - never had any inclination whatsoever towards them. Drank, oh yeah - many years... but it was six beers Fri/Sat. Special long occasions maybe 8 - like flying AH with Elite Top Aces around xmastime for a few years. Nowadays, not at all.

    You never look back and think "Gee, what a shame I wasn't wasted more often"

  • To me it's very obvious what you need to do.

    Go out and get yourself a nice Hawaiian shirt, pork pie hat and a nice big fat cigar. Maybe a pair of Ray-Bans too.

    Head on down to Florida and take pictures of yourself with a big fat cigar in your mouth with your teeth showing.


    Hawaiian shirt. Pork pie hat. Big fat cigar in your mouth.

  • I didn't quit smoking when all my fellow-students did in 1992. I smoked above-mentioned French Gauloise caporal, soldiers smokes of cigar tobacco. Soft pack of wrapping paper. No one shot a smoke more than once. Too strong.

  • My Father never objected when I smoked in his flat. He said he served in a room with 12 smokers. Got used. He have never smoked himself, quite interesting for a man born in 1926.

    Brother doesn't have a sense of smell, Ukrainian medical care. So I could smoke no worries.

  • I quit 22 years ago when I started noticing my singing voice was going. I am now one of those anti-smoking assholes. Why the fuck does walmart allow their employees to take smoke breaks right at the entrance?