That's nice!
I've never played one of those before. How do you tune it?
That's nice!
I've never played one of those before. How do you tune it?
Open G (but could vary depending on what you're playing). It takes a gentle touch. Which I don't have... I'm considering adding a b-bender..
I guess the action should be fairly high.
About 3/8". The frets are just there as markers.
Something looks off... i cant put my finger on it.
Made it to the troll ladder this summer too.
That's awesome!
Of all the shitty brutalist grey concrete buildings there are out there, this one is not so bad. It's pretty cool actually. It's the visitors' center at the top of the troll ladder.
yeah, that looks nice.
Everything in Norway looks nice to me.
United States Postal Service at it's finest!
Done on purpose so they can eliminate your vote
These are the same people you want in charge of your healthcare.
In long Beach today. Or at least for a little while. Sending up one of our shows again.
I live very close to Long Beach. Just a straight drive right down to my place. I like Long Beach.
is this yours?
We found a hitchhiker.
is this yours?
Heck no. That looks to be about a 1981 Honda CBX still in the original shipping crate.
Heck no. That looks to be about a 1981 Honda CBX still in the original shipping crate.
This is why i ask.
With your penchant for honduhhs I figured you found a score.