I said I'd never go back. Never say never.

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If Newsom gets his way with giving every black resident $220K California is about to see unprecedented growth. Every black person in America is going to move there. Oughta be a way to capitalize on that.
Let's chip in and build apartment buildings in the cheapest areas we can find.
First lets see if the governor is just full of shit. that's my bet.
Have you ever wondered why there' such a housing shortage in California? What do you suppose a huge influx of unearned cash will do to that problem and the reasons it exists?
If Newsom offered me $220,000.00 to live there I'd find a cheap apartment, or a sidewalk in LA, and stay the minimum time required to collect. Wouldn't you?
Actually I think it's $223,000.00. Oughta be tax free or that's just the man keeping me down again.
If you are waiting for Newsome to hand you $220k, I'd offer the old wisdom of "wish in one hand, shit in the other."
Probably a trick up his sleeve. $1 a year for residence in CA. You're gonna need some longevity supplements to collect.
Spent a lot of time there have you?
enough to know that I'd never, ever live there. Spent maybe a couple months going all over that state. Every inch of it is depressingly bleak and miserably hot.
I grew up there and never thought it "depressingly bleak" though it is certainly hot in the summertime. I won't fault you for your somewhat limited assessment though. I've spent more than two months in California. It's no paradise but the produce is pretty good.
The people there on the other hand....
Present company excepted of course.
A blanket of neutron weapons from SFO south would fix most of what's wrong with Kali.
I really don't care what you think about California - that's you business. I think Texas is an ugly place. Flat, brown and ugly. If you get offended by that, then that's kind of weird, in my opinion.
I'd move to Arizona in a heartbeat.
Arizona is a drive through state. Been there, done that. a few times.
Lady that lives behind us is there now. She was a schools superintendent before retiring. Not the most pleasant person but I still help her trim her bushes. I enjoy her visit to Arizona.
If it were all you ever knew... You'd probably even think Augusta Ga was... quaint.
Having lived in 12 states and 4 countries my perspective is less limited than many.
I've visited many more states. Sadly, Michigan not among them.
I spent the night on the Detroit airport floor once. It was uncomfortable
Yessiree. Flat, brown and ugly