
    • Official Post

    One thing that happened was that at night in my hotel bed, I was getting drenched with night sweats - mostly on my chest and neck and upper body, I believe these were hot flashes and I got them because I didn't take my progesterone with me.

    I was worried until I looked this up just now. They say it happens at night. And I also got the blotchy red skin on mt face.

    We'll see if I get them tonight.

    • Official Post

    I think.

    I guess the hot flashes are caused by it estrogen. Estrogen dominance and not being counterbalanced by progesterone.

    I thought it might have been night sweats related to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. But this was mostly on my chest and neck and it was like a soaking sweat. Very weird. I woke up in the middle of the night half days and half dreaming thinking that I had to turn something off in order to stop sweating. And then I was really cold.

    Two nights in a row.

    • Official Post

    Oh I took a video driving through Palm springs, just to take a video of the wind turbines there. I filmed the whole way from the beginning till the end. Driving 80 miles an hour it took about 9 minutes to get from the beginning to the end of the wind turbine things. And I filmed it for the main reason to show that only about half of them are even working. Maybe less than half. And it's very windy there. I'll post that when I get a chance. Not that you guys want to watch 9 minutes of that stuff but still.

  • Why would all of them be producing when it's windy? They can only produce what the grid demands. If the grid only demands 40% of their production capacity they have to shut down 60% of the turbines.

    The group that wants to win will always beat the group that wants to be left alone.

    • Official Post

    I just looked it up. There are 2,700 of those windmills. About 300 ft tall each. That's quite a sight to see them mile after mile. So many of them.

    The only thing I could find when I asked why so many weren't spending was that they're either down for a maintenance or there's not enough wind. But like I said there was a lot of wind.

    Plus it was 100°. I'm sure there's plenty of demand for electricity. I doubt they could fulfill the full demand of electricity that they put out

  • Look, this is not rocket surgery... People would be very annoyed if you put more power into the grid than what the consumers take out because you'll ruin all their gadgets and burn down their homes. The grid does not store power; the power companies always have to balance production with consumption. That means they need to have enough production capacity to handle peak load, which is typically at dinner time, plus a comfortable safety margin. At every other time of the day, they are running at a fraction of their production capacity.

    The group that wants to win will always beat the group that wants to be left alone.