• I gotsit.

    Tennis Elbow and the joke's on me for having played tennis twice in my whole life. Aggravated by lifting and turning wrenches. As I get older it is more and more easily enflamed and sticks around longer.

    What do you other geezers do to relieve geezer pain?

    I progressed to where I couldn't lift my right arm to comb my hair...utter brutal stabbing pain. I assumed it was disk thing, like I used to have in LEFT shoulder/hand. Finally went to doc last week, he deduced it was merely tendonitis. (Am 62 next month, have never had much upper body strength, lifting 50 pound ladder all day prolly did it.) Anyhow, he asked me did I want 5-4-3-2-1 thing of Prednisone pills ("NO!") Offered to give me a shot of same. Fucking fixed it right up, pain has been there since March, all gone now

    Well respected man about town doing the best things most conservatively

  • I progressed to where I couldn't lift my right arm to comb my hair...utter brutal stabbing pain. I assumed it was disk thing, like I used to have in LEFT shoulder/hand. Finally went to doc last week, he deduced it was merely tendonitis. (Am 62 next month, have never had much upper body strength, lifting 50 pound ladder all day prolly did it.) Anyhow, he asked me did I want 5-4-3-2-1 thing of Prednisone pills ("NO!") Offered to give me a shot of same. Fucking fixed it right up, pain has been there since March, all gone now

    How long does that supposed to work?

    All Government is Organized Crime.

  • It's been like two weeks, I'll let you know if it comes back. I just hate the fucking pills, (they're useful for pinched/inflamed nerves, which I get often) invariably get insomnia

    Well respected man about town doing the best things most conservatively

  • The shots last until they don't. Everybody is different. The injuries are different. I've had one in my sore hip before pheasant season that lasted 3-4 months. I've had one for tennis elbow that lasted about 2 weeks.


    BTW, they usually limit you to 3 shots per 12 months. It's not really good for you.