Red Pill - Blue Pill. Which are you? Do you know?

  • The blue pill does have its benefits. Sometimes I am a bit envious of the ability to enjoy contented ignorance. I bet there are only about 1% of the population that are not blue pill if I had to guess. But I think there may be at least two other's that have taken the red pill here so I am not alone at least. Many take the blue pill but think they took the red pill so it can be confusing for some. Did you know you even took a pill?

  • Quote

    The terms "red pill" and "blue pill" refer to a choice between the willingness to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing truth by taking the red pill or remaining in contented ignorance with the blue pill. The terms refer to a scene in the 1999 film The Matrix.

  • The "red pill" and "blue pill" are symbolic of states of awareness.

    In a nut shelll: A blue pilled person lives in an illusion. This illusion shields people from seeing the world for what it really is. Those in power could consciously provide blue pills to dumb down the herd. But on a grass-root level, people also, unconsciously, provide blue pills side-ways and even bottom-up, when the masses take illusion as reality.

    When the majority of people are attached to a certain belief system, it’s incredibly difficult to change their minds. The Matrix movie shows us that most people that are plugged into the Matrix aren’t ready for the truth. Moreover, when their reality is challenged, they will resist. In a blue pill world, people even get punished simply for telling a painful or politically incorrect truth.

    Mostly after a great tragedy, one begins to awaken and starts to question all previously accepted realities about this world, and realizes that he or she has been living in a lie.

    This realization often brings about an emotional reaction of anger and depression, which is called the red pill rage. Some stay in that rage forever, while others come to terms with reality.

    Red pill knowledge contains tons of information about different subjects. People spread this knowledge, and their own experiences and observations, to teach others what they have learned.

    Other people’s knowledge can be used as a compass – a torch that illuminates the path to our own experienced truth. We see the world through new eyes; eyes that we have never used before. And it’s only when we become aware, and now see and experience ourselves these things that others told us, that the red pill truly kicks in.

  • Being an individualist I'm more black-pilled than anything...

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    The group that wants to win will always beat the group that wants to be left alone.

    • Official Post

    I don't think anybody is red-pilled as far as really knowing what goes on in the real world and behind the scenes with the people who have the levers. I think we're kidding ourselves if we think we know anything.

    The best I think we can do is to just use logic and common sense and ascertain what you think is best for you, All the while knowing that you really do not have much control over how things are going to play out.

    I think people that are blue pilled are just basically ignorant of almost anything. Not even passing knowledge of most things that are affecting the country or the world. And then they go out and vote. Lol