Russia begins invasion of Ukraine - what now?

  • This is priceless! OK ok I apologize for the whole thing. I plead guilty as charged. LMAO! I take it all back. Well most of it. You are "thoughtful, disciplined, funny, intellectual " You don't love Stalin but it would be a stretch for us to claim that our opinions were humble. I never met an Air Force guy that didn't think he was better than every other services. I consider that a good thing.


    Am I still a mystery to you? I like being mysterious. In fact, I'm thinking of becoming a cyrptogram inserted into a riddle wrapped in an inscrutabilty inside a mind-boggler underneath a mystery on top of an enigma. Just for you!

    As for being an "Air Force guy", I tell everyone I was never in the US military. I was in the Air Force.

    Lastly, you never answered when I asked you what you based your one US trained pilot can whip 10 of those filthy chinks assessment upon. Personal experience? Tales you heard from Air Force guys? Gut feeling? Or are you just < Dusty Springfield vocal> Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin' </Dusty Springfield vocal> that you are right? Enquiring minds want to know.

  • Some history of war before WWll

    The Bolsheviks really did a number on Russia.

    How Russia Helped The 13 Colonies Win The American Revolution

    On Independence Day, celebrated on July 4th, Americans reflect on their nation’s history as it came into existence in 1776. The American Revolutionary War began more than a year before the signing of the Declaration of Independence, but it was fought over eight years and resulted in tens of thousands of casualties. The United States was formed in a world dominated by great empires such as Great Britain, France, Russia, and Turkey. Unbeknownst to many people – even history aficionados – is that the Russian Empire played an important – yet indirect – role in furthering the American cause.

    According to many scholars, Catherine II empathized with the colonists, and the common attitude among aristocrats in Saint Petersburg was that “the state of the English court and ministry was not such as to inspire national or outside trust toward them.” She had long predicted that America would become independent of Europe “even in my lifetime.” When the war broke out, she exclaimed that “the colonies have told England goodbye forever.” In her private correspondence, she did not hesitate to blame George III for provoking a meaningless quarrel and urged England to reconcile with the colonies.…-the-american-revolution/

    U.S. Civil War: The US-Russian Alliance that Saved the Union

    April 2011 marks the 150th anniversary of the U.S. Civil War, which began when Confederate forces opened fire upon Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. The following essay by Webster Tarpley, tells about the largely untold alliance between President Abraham Lincoln and Russian Tsar Alexander II, which by many accounts was key to the North winning the U.S. Civil War, sealing the defeat of the British strategic design.

  • Am I still a mystery to you? I like being mysterious. In fact, I'm thinking of becoming a cyrptogram inserted into a riddle wrapped in an inscrutabilty inside a mind-boggler underneath a mystery on top of an enigma. Just for you!

    As for being an "Air Force guy", I tell everyone I was never in the US military. I was in the Air Force.

    Lastly, you never answered when I asked you what you based your one US trained pilot can whip 10 of those filthy chinks assessment upon. Personal experience? Tales you heard from Air Force guys? Gut feeling? Or are you just < Dusty Springfield vocal> Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin' </Dusty Springfield vocal> that you are right? Enquiring minds want to know.

    "Ok, An American trained pilot in a fourth gen is worth 10 untested Chinese."

    is what I actually said.

    You can't become a mystery because you already are/were.

    I thought you were acting out of character but that was because I was comparing you to all the other Air Force Officers I have met.

    But You are not acting out of character.

    I did answer you question.

    Your no longer a mystery. You are what you are.

  • This is worth a listen. A little over 20 minutes. He goes into several of the MSM propaganda gaffs that have already been caught by people using TinEye to trace videos and images sources.

    He has some info on what the research being done at the Ukraine bio-labs was. Gain of function stuff using ticks and rodents...hoping to use them to spread bio-weapons.

    The first few minutes is him responding to a listener that dropped him for not being hardline enough against Russia and Putin in particular.

    Most all of the deeper diving looks I've found into the situation there seem to paint similar pictures. No one can say what's going on for sure but all seem to agree that it's not what is being broadcast on MSM and social media accounts.

    It seems that really bad shit shit was going on in Ukraine since the color revolution during Obama's reign....many are suggesting that this whole operation is being spun while they burn the evidence of the Iranian cash, gifted by Obama, being laundered by Ukrainian banks... then deposited into Vatican accounts where it was then dispersed to compromise elections around the world.

    That's some serious "dominion", right there....and quite the tale if true. Will we ever know?

    I think the bio lab stuff is gonna go public. We'll see.

    bitchute...not sure how to embed things:

  • I did answer you question.

    Your no longer a mystery. You are what you are.

    Somehow I missed the clear answer; would you be kind enough to repeat it please.?

    Now I’m not a mystery. I’m Popeye; I yam what I yam. 😥

    I guess you’ve met so many AF officers that you can form a generalization of the character of all AF officers. Beats the Amazing Kreskin for sure.

    • Official Post

    I just listened to that whole thing. That's very interesting to me.

    You know, I like to think that I'm informed but we're really not informed are we? There's so much shit going on behind the scenes that we will never know about. And the guy is right about us being in the United States we're always the good guys. Right?

    I'm going to bookmark that guy.

    As far as embedding those, this is something that I've been saying I'm going to try to get working for a long time. I really mean it but I haven't had the time or when I do have the time I'm not thinking about that. So basically they don't embed automatically right now.

    Thank you for posting that.

    • Official Post

    Another question I have though after thinking about this.

    Has Putin ever said anything about any of this? Like does he ever say anything regarding BioLabs or anything like that that are a threat to Russia and Ukraine?

    Just putting the make believe dots together in my mind though, it makes me wonder about Biden and the money that he got as kickbacks from the Ukrainian government. Something's going on in there.

    Sluggo, I've never been one to believe half the stuff that I'm told on the news.

    Another thing that I found odd about the conflict in the Ukraine is that there are not around the clock on the ground coverages of everything like there was in other major conflicts. Where is all the media at?

  • 70 fighter jets have now been handed over to Ukrainian fighter pilots.

    EU and Ukrainian parliament specifically cited:

    - 28 MiG-29s from Poland

    - 12 MiG-29s from Slovakia

    - 16 MiG-29s from Bulgaria

    - 14 Su-25s from Bulgaria

    I hope they have enough pilots left.

    The group that wants to win will always beat the group that wants to be left alone.

    • Official Post

    That's pretty significant.

    Hope they have airfields and fuel too.

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    The group that wants to win will always beat the group that wants to be left alone.

  • Stinger time...

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    The group that wants to win will always beat the group that wants to be left alone.

  • Yeah Zack is pretty level headed and usually has compelling info. He obviously has an anti-deep state bias and is freedom/constitution lover.

    No one seems to know what is the basic truth except for the people in it, over there. That is so weird given all the technology and social media at use. The situation is probably the most muddled I have ever seen because of that.

    It makes me understand how incredibly easy it has been for the "media" to lie and manufacture history in the past.

    One thing I have noticed is that the channels I have watched that seem to have the most coherent info and sources are prepper channels. I can't help but wonder if that's not by design?

    Lost in all the war and rumors of war, global reset and plandemic is the fact that we are currently diving down into a grand solar minimum...which means crop failures, drought and solar flares that are cyclical in nature. As well as being due for another Carrington event, which is also a cyclical occurrence.

    Russia and Ukraine provide the lionshare of wheat and corn to Europe.

    There is documented evidence that the CIA, at the behest of the US government, suppressed a research document by major Maynard White in 1948 on the pole shifts. They replaced it with one of their own making that was a limited hangout and the CIA became the entity that introduced 'poleshift' into the public lexicon....but it wasn't the full truth of what they had discovered.

    Science and government had what they felt was a good reason for obfuscating this, I can't argue against it either,: if society at large was made knowledgable that 90% of the worlds population would perish in the next 60years...all of them in one event, there was a very solid chance that society would break down into chaos over that period of time.

    This link has links to all the info on that:…eclassified-cia-document/

    According to several astro and geo-physicists the research data suggest we have less than 20 years based on the exponential degrading of the earth's magnetosphere. Some suggest less....others much less.

    The communities of scientific indoctrination in the past have worked to discredit this group as fringe...much like the big pharma goes after doctors who counter their narrative. But now the data is becoming ironclad and graduate students in the current generation of research are concurring that poleshift with crustal displacement is the only explanation. Just like Major white told the pentagon in 1948.

    Another cyclical event.

    Why are there so many CEO's stepping away? There are several reports of super wealthy people building deep bunkers in places like New Zealand. Why now?

    The one scientist who has all the goods and has scared the crap out of the establishment for years is, Douglas Vogt. He has a project called the Diehold Foundation and has a lengthy video series on youtube.

    one example:

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    So, the reason for this tangent is because of what I have been witnessing as this latest theatre is unfolding. The prepper channels, (Candian prepper, Marfoogle news, prepared homestead and others), seem to be getting the most coherent info on what to prepare for even if it's not the absolute truth about what will happen. I feel it's because those are the communities that will actually prepare versus buying cases of toilet paper and looting stores....which is the minimum that would happen if the general public had any real inkling of what's coming down the pike.

    IMO, the shit has hit the fan and we are in the period of escalation during which said shit will be blown about.

    I am a prepper...or am I prepared. I can go indefinitely without electricity or running water.

    We will survive a Carrington event or nuke style HEMP. I don't want to survive or live in a post global nuclear war world. I may change my mind if it happens....I hope it doesn't happen. Relatively few will survive a poleshift. We know that because we are here now which means humans survived them in the past by living in caves and whatnot....but not many and only people who knew how to survive with no technology.

    Many wonder what the people in the bunkers plan is.

    Personally, I don't fear death. I've seen and experienced too many other realities to think this is the only dimension or octave we can or will inhabit. I do not want to die in a prolonged state of suffering or drowning in a wall of water if I can help it.

    Anyway, the point of this in response to your comment is to suggest that it may impossible to know what the fuck is happening in Ukraine or anywhere else given the resources being made available, which is just fine IMO, because my belief is that staying contained and at peace is our best asset ATM.

    As far as Putin commenting on the bio-labs? I haven't looked up any exact quotes but have listened to several podcasts where it was said that this has been something Russia has been complaining about to the international community since they were 'constructed' during the Obama administration in 2015. (I believe I read that the labs were already there in some form and the DOD just took them over?)

    There is a photo of Obama, when he was still a senator, in Donesk,(or however it is spelled), inspecting piles of containers of biological agents that was earmarked for destruction. After he was elected prez, the bio-labs were taken over and have been up and running since. Apparently it has taken 7 years, and counting, in 7 labs to destroy these materials?

    The counter narrative is that gain of function research is being carried on there with the goal being to develop bio-weapons that target specific slavic genetypes.

    Basically saying the same exact thing that was going on in Wuhan.

  • The photo I mentioned:


    and here is a twitter thread that is specific to Russia's grievances against the bio-labs, with comments from the Russian embassy being a main source:

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    edit to ad: a closer look at that suggests that those weapons had already been destroyed in just correcting my comment in the previous post as to the photos content.