There was a CBX that had been in storage at the local honduh dealership for many years. My contact there did not know who it belonged to. The dealership has since gone under and no one knows what happened to the CBX. It was probably out of my price range anyhow.

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That is a shame.
I forgot I had this stuff!
It was a long day at the convention center today. We had to wait for hours before they supplied our booth with power. Then it was late in the day when we had to get the printers all working and make sure they're working for the opening of the show tomorrow.
I had a headache all day and it was so hot in there because they don't turn the air on for the people who are setting up the show. It was stuffy. I mean it wasn't super hot honestly but I didn't feel good because I had a headache and my feet were hot and I was moving around and you know how that is.
So I got home and made a half of a roast beef sandwich, popped in a little bit of a gummy bear, took two Tylenol and now I'm relaxing in bed with a little bit of this scotch.
I put a little bit of ice in there because I'm a little bit of a sissy. But this stuff is so smooth and it has like a smoky flavor. Elfie turned me on to this when he brought a bottle of this stuff to laz's get together.
So I feel a lot better now. I wash my face put my hair up and I feel so wonderful right now!
Looks good.
It is! Or at least for me and honestly I don't really know anything about whiskey or scotch or anything like that. But this is very good for me. Like I said it has a smoky flavor. I guess they call it a peat moss kind? Or there's another word for it but it only is made in a certain area.
The reason I remembered that I had it is because two of the guys that were working with me today were talking about whiskey and scotch. One guy was saying that surachi was super good. Very smooth. Even though I don't drink and I'm not any kind of a fan of whiskey or anything like that, that piques my interest and makes me want to try it.
It's an Islay malt. All of the Islays are peaty. Try Lagavulin sometime.
Walking in la again. It looks so deserted!
Are you humming Missing Persons while you do it?
Looks shitty. Bad part of town?
Yeah. It's real shitty. Some wholesale district. Mostly marijuana supply shops and packaging.
you can tell it's a high class neighborhood when the stop sign is 100% covered in graffiti
LOL. I know. A lot of times it smells like garbage too.
More of the shitville. And I'm on foot walking around in this bullshit. With my bags and tools and everything. I've got to walk in the street because of these fucking sidewalks.
Why are you walking there? Is it safe?
The triumph of leftist/statist policies on display.
Why are you walking there? Is it safe?
Yeah it's not bad. It's just this wholesale district there's a lot of homeless people and shit like that around but in the daytime like this it's fine.
I have to walk because I park and then walk to the place I have to go because there's no parking on these streets usually. I mean I might be able to find a parking spot at a meter but then it's only 2 hours and then you got fuck wads that might run into your car because they jam up the streets going both ways and double Park and all kinds of bullshit. It's a lot easier just to park and then walk a couple of blocks.
Looks good.
I have yet to try a bad Ardbeg whisky. My leftwing brother in law is a huge whisky/whiskey fan and I've been able to try all different kinds of booze that I never could have afforded for myself. Christmas/birthday I usually get a bottle from him of something he knows I like already or something he thinks I'll like. He has yet to be wrong on that last bit. Sometimes the kids will get me a bottle for Father's Day, that's how I got a bottle of Ardbeg Drum, a limited edition scotch that is simply fantastic.
I drink so little at a time and so infrequently that what I have upstairs right now might be a lifetime supply. All alcoholic beverages are high in sugar content and being diabetic it's like drinking liquid sugar...because well... So I sometimes pour as little as 3-4 sips at a time and maybe only once or twice a month now. Crying shame really, considering all the good whisky/whiskey out there.
Except Canadian whiskey, that stuff is distilled shit.
The Swedish galleon "Götheborg" visits London. I wonder if the Brits returned fire...
They surrendered